Between the rantings of GOP presidential candidates, the world news, and insensitive family members, this holiday season is fit to challenge the optimism of a good many of us. It’s moments like Sharpe Suiting donating three suits to L.A.’s LGBT Youth Center walk-in closet that remind us that we should still strive to make the world a better place and to value our queer family. Sharpe delivered one suit each in small, medium, and large sizes from their newly launched ready-to-wear collection. The suits are now part of a walk-in closet of donated clothing for the community’s most vulnerable youth to access for interviews, graduations and other special achievements! Check out some of the magical moments from the delivery event, made possible in part by the Center’s Sarah Hyland, to fill your heart with joy and re-charge your positive disposition.
Sharpe CEO Leon Wu picking out ties to style!
The donation was part of Sharpe’s For Who You Are, which promotes diversity (race, religion, sexuality, gender) among a collection of suits designed to fit you!