Folk-Pop Duo Anna/Kate Get Dapper for EP Relase

Photographer Hiro Yukiseo recently partnered with stylist Rachel Pincus to shoot an exclusive dapperQ fashion editorial featuring Anna/Kate, a queer folk-pop band based out of New York City. The resulting images captured the organic synergy between dapper style and folk music, a relationship they felt was important to highlight with respect to their latest EP, The SubRosa Sessions, a 9-song EP recorded live-in-concert at SubCat Recording Studios in Syracuse, NY. Anna/Kate sat down with us to expand upon why and share and exclusive release of their EP with our readers:

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(Left, Kate. Right, Anna)

On music:
Anna/Kate is a live band right now. We don’t have a studio-produced sound yet SO we are exactly what you hear! We were so grateful that both of our EP’s have reflected that, first in a Brooklyn apartment with our bassist and then at SubCat Recording Studios in Syracuse, NY. The studio reached out to us for their SubRosa Sessions, which has an audience of 30 and a band stuffed into a recording studio, taping a live set. Our 9 songs were recorded, cut and mastered by a crew of 15 genius engineers in 1 night! Take a listen to us here, and then get the real deal. Come see us live!
PIANOS NYC| Fri May 22, 8 PM ($10)
BAILOUT| Thurs Jun 24, 10 PM (Suggested donation. On bill with TanyaMaria Antionette and Shira E.)
PETE’S CANDY STORE| Thurs Jun 24, 10 PM (Suggested donation)
MUSIKFEST| Fri Aug 14, 8 PM


On Find Your Beautiful:
We wrote “Find Your Beautiful” for a poetry show themed around privilege* last year. For months beforehand, we talked about Anna’s genderqueer identify and whether we could write a song about it- we were very aware of our own privilege around the theme. We went to a few weddings down south and had an unholy trinity of events happen: Anna was yelled at in a public bathroom for “women,” we were the only queer/dapper couple in some very traditionally gendered spaces, and we spent time in Atlanta right after an attack on two trans women of color on their public transportation, the MARTA. We thought, more than ever, it was important for us to write a song that honestly talked about some of the challenges genderqueer, androgynous, MoC or trans* individuals face, like being in gendered spaces, having to fight for your preferred gender pronoun, or interpersonal relationships with friends and family. We ALSO wanted to write a song celebrating our community, and the community of this website, as one that fights for self-care, self-love, and the right to find your own beautiful.




On album release:
This album is really important to the whole crew behind Anna/Kate. It’s a one of a kind, fleeting experience caught on tape. A live concert in a recording studio in Syracuse, NY- recorded with audience laughter, our awkward banter, 1 cello, 2 voices, 3 bandmates, 6 instruments… and 9 songs. We daydreamed about introducing our album into the world in a way that felt special and intimate and true to us. We visit dapperQ wayyy too much. We’re in love with the community, the self-expression and the artistry. dapperQ has freed us up to play and present and be proud of the artists we are. (Anna explains further):

I have dapperQ in mind every time I get ready for a performance and/or photoshoot. dapperQ helped me find confidence and inspiration in the way I present. Every time I get up on stage, I feel comfortable with the outfit I am wearing. I read articles and borrow looks from incredibly well dressed MoC’s/trans* folk. The way I present is not a trend, it is not a fad, it is who I am. It is part of a movement. dapperQ is a movement and the readers, models and writers are all fashion warriors. I am so grateful for dapperQ and this beautiful community I belong to.



We couldn’t resist sharing the music here with you (dapperQ) first, accompanied by the vision of Rachel Pincus (stylist) and Hiroyuki Seo (Photographer)!


ANNA/KATE MEDIA: or #annakatemusic or #findyourbeautiful

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