Sneak in With the Diesel Loop

For me, inextricably linked to my love of sneakers is a secret fear of/disdain for the rest of the shoe family.  I know I might be putting a target on my back by admitting this, but I just can’t get down with the dress shoe.  No matter how hard I try, I wind up looking like a 5th grade boy in a navy blazer who is off to his first choir concert. And that just doesn’t jive with my athletic tomboy style, nor does it make me feel styling.  So, instead, I do my best to scour the web for sneakers that will trick the “you can’t wear white after Labor Day” masses into thinking I’m dressing appropriately.

My staple trick-sneaker is the Diesel Loop.  This shoe has been around for a while, morphing throughout the years, but holding firm to the same underlying aesthetic concept.  Simple and clean lines, a lack of clunkiness, and a variety of solid colors (brown, black, and white/cream are the three that I’d use for suit pairings or to snazz up a jeans outfit), ensure that this sneaker looks (a bit) more like a dress shoe than its athletic counterpart.

I wore my black pair of Loop’s for two years as a paralegal in an office with a pretty strict “business” dress code, and I never got any demerits from the HR department.  I’ve also worn these to weddings, parties, business conferences, video shoots, and more. They’ve got the look of a shoe plus all the advantages of a sneaker:  mega light, super comfortable. The one caveat? These shoes cost a lot of real American dollars. But trust me- these bad boys will last for years, and become a staple in your closet.

Sneak Freak, out!

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  • i can’t get down with dress shoes either, i’d go for a nice pair of clean skate shoes, emerica reynolds cruisers are my new favs, or any shoe in suede. Boots are also a nice option, ankle boots in leather with vintage feel are definitely something i would be looking for, all saints have a nice pair that i’m planning on buying as soon as my bank account allows. Boat shoes might not be on everyones list when it comes to shoes, but they can really work with the right outfit.

  • Nice to hear the view from ‘through the looking glass’. I love dress shoes, oxfords, chukkas, and boots, but, have a slight sheepishness about sneakers (I only own a pair of hi-top Chuck Taylors for when I walk the dog or paint the living room). I can’t imagine carrying off a suit and sneakers, I just wouldn’t be in the right headspace. Although if it was a light, summer suit with a plain ‘T’, I’d go loafers. Sigh, either I need to lighten up and explore my ‘sneakier’ side, or admit that I’m getting long in the tooth. 🙂

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