Tomboy Femme Fridays

dapperQ is tipping our top-hats to all of the tomboy femmes out there. While our mission remains the same, we understand that gender identity and presentation falls along a large spectrum – not just binary “hyper masculine” and “high femme.” There are many interpretations of masculine style within our community.

We would like to celebrate the style of all of our tomboy femme readers, who often write in thanking us for the fashion advice we provide, by showcasing sartorially smart tomboy femme inspiration that we’ve found on the web. dapperQ will be alternating this new feature with our regular Eco-Friendly Fridays series. Without further ado, here’s our third roundup of tomboy femme style from our favorite style blogs:

via Tumblr

via I Dream of Dapper

Via Tumblr2

via I Dream of Dapper

via Tumblrvia The Androgynous Femme

via Tumblr3via That’s Natty

Tomboy Femme Jack Tarvia Jack Tar 207 – Maine Style

xFALL-GRYPHON-DYING1.jpg.pagespeed.ic.7vJw_WL9nUvia Wit and Delight

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