Everyday Style with Cammrynn

Readers loved Cammrynn’s Seven Days of Dapper showcasing a week’s worth of her style. So, we brought Cammrynn back a third time to give us some more inspiration for everyday dapper style. (Check out Cam’s other dapperQ posts here and here.)

 cam style 4

Cam style 3

Cam style 2

cam style 1

Inspiration: Colors, colors and more colors! Took a little trip through my apartment complex’s backyard, tis quite the beauty with its trails and bodies of water!
Pants: Gap chino
Shirt: Goodwill thrift (Originally from children’s Old Navy)
Tie: Salvation Army
Shoes: eBay $10

You can find/follow Cam at:

Instagram: @Radtasticly_cam
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