Watch This Wednesdays: “Other Boys NYC”

According to a GLAAD report, the portrayal of racially diverse LGBTQ characters in the media is seriously lacking. Given that many of us live at the intersection of several identities, this is particularly troubling, particularly when the default symbol for our communities is white, gay, cis men, which renders the rest of our experiences invisible. Other Boys NYC is working to change that. A 50-part documentary series exploring the diverse narratives of queer and transgender men of color, Other Boys NYC, produced by filmmakers Abdool Corlette and Adam Vazquez, launched the first 25 episodes exclusively on Slay-TV. The remaining 25 will be released on a weekly basis. Check out the trailer here:

“All too often the default portrayal of LGBTQ men in the media is cisgender, gay and white,” said Abdool Corlette. “However, the LGBTQ community is one that cannot be represented as a singular identity – it is an intersection of people from all races, cultures and religions. Growing up, I didn’t see myself or my story represented in the media, so instead of waiting for them to share our stories, Adam and I decided to make something that shines a spotlight on the richness of our community.” Co-producer Adam Vazquez adds, “We are seeing increasing levels of violence against the LGBTQ community and people of color. The language being used in politics is divisive and does nothing to raise awareness about the struggles of people within these communities. Other Boys NYC is a new way to meet people of color and to see their stories told honestly. It creates an opportunity to listen, learn and find commonality. Other Boys NYC was created to bring people together through awareness and understanding.”

For more on Other Boys NYC, visit their:

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