dapperQ Named Fashion Expert for GayWeddings.com — WTF?!

The words dyke and fashion don’t usually go together. Gay boys get the glory — lesbians, not so much. That’s why I am so crazy excited to have accepted an invitation from the CEO of GayWeddings.com, Kathryn Hamm, to serve as fashion expert for a new series her site has just launched.

I’m part of a hand-picked team of experts who will provide engaging, timely, and knowledgeable information about gay and lesbian weddings, legal marriage, etiquette, and more. In addition to your old pal, dapperQ, they include:

Jon Paul Buchmeyer, contributor to Bon Appetit and Conde Nast Traveler, voice of ABCityblog.com, and award-winning author of the hilarious memoir, Alphabet City: My So Called Sitcom Life.

David Toussaint
, author of Gay and Lesbian Weddings and Toussaint!, and national columnist for EDGE, the largest GLBT online magazine in the U.S.

Steve Petrow, former President of the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association and the author of 6 books, including The Essential Book of Gay Manners & Etiquette.

Heather McCabe former Georgetown Law Professor and Principal at of McCabe Russell, a progressive family law firm, which specializes in legal issues affecting GLBT families.

Kathryn Hamm, M.S.W, the entrepreneur, educator, and gay and lesbian wedding pioneer who founded GayWeddings.com ten years ago — waaaaayyyyy before it was cool!

While my focus for the column must, of necessity, expand beyond men’s fashion, it will retain its focus on transgression. That means I’ll be cross-posting my GayWeddings.com columns here on dapperQ. I hope you are as inspired as I am by stories of how pioneers in the marriage equality movement are crafting traditions that will long inform those who follow in our footsteps.

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