Cheaper Shopping "New with Tags"

Have you ever walked into a store and tried on a pair of jeans that you adored, and then freaked out when you saw the price tag?  Welcome to my world.  Hey, I know it’s a recession and all, but some of us are just broke.  Come on people, who has 100 bucks to buy jeans on a social worker’s salary???

I frequently get a peculiar look upon exiting the dressing room, when I put back the jeans, whip out my notebook and discretely jot down the price, style #, inseam, waist, color, and all the other relevant details. I surely can’t be the only one who does this.  And if I am, then I don’t care.

I go home and log on to eBay.  And I look for NWT which stands for  “New with Tags.”  And sometimes for “vintage couture.”  At the end of the transaction, I pay a fraction of the price: sometimes half or even just a quarter, sometimes even free shipping.

Some folks avoid eBay because they feel like they need to bid or maybe they’re just Luddites.  But with the “buy this item now” option, you may even get your new threads by the weekend.  Feeling lucky?  Create a fashion profile and have the purchases come to your inbox.

Now get out there.  Then go home, log on and shop.

-Vaughn McLaughlin


Vaughn is a queer transman drummer.musician.graphic artist/social justice oriented guy just tryin to keep in VISIBLE and REAL in bklyn.  His music can be heard here and here.  Connect with him on eBay: mcvaughn74.  (Photos of Vaughn provided by Vaughn.)

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  • Oh Yes. I bought my second pair of Frye Wingtips on ebay. I got them for a good $100.00 less than my first pair. Good deal.

    Speaking of Frye, I bought a Frye boot called the “Archie Hiker.” Tried them on in Macy’s, and bought them on Amazon for less. If I had more dough, I’d pay full price at the store. It’s only right—I think. As for the boot, it’s chunky and not quite dapper, but it’s got that andro* flavor that I like. Also, they are lightweight, and more delicate, really, than you might initially assume.

    * “andro” as in masculine not as in androgynous.

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