How Would It Feel to Wear the Perfect Suit?

Saint Harridan is an up-and-coming venture creating off-the-rack men’s-styled suits and shirts for women. They are just one of many companies that have sprung up in the past couple of years addressing a community that has been ignored for too long.

Saint Harridan is taking a unique approach to the design process. Recognising that the sartorial needs of DapperQs have never been heard by the fashion industry before, they are starting their project in ‘listening mode’ – asking you what you need from a suit before they create a product.

I’m in charge of the Pinterest posts here at DapperQ, and I’ve been writing interviews and other features on the site for about a year and a half now. When I first heard about Saint Harridan, I was really excited to find yet another great project bringing beautiful clothes made specially for DapperQs, and I’m now absolutely over the moon to be helping with the project.

This weekend, on 22nd September, Saint Harridan will be holding an online ‘show and tell’ workshop – we need DapperQs to take part on Twitter, Facebook and our website and tell us what you want from a suit. We’ll be talking about your happiest memories of looking great and feeling comfortable in your clothes, and discussing what gets in the way of feeling like that more often. I’ll be liveblogging the whole thing, and I can’t wait to hear what you have to say.

Saint Harridan ran a competition last month to find six models in the bay area who would help to develop the suits. The eight winners (there were too many gorgeous DapperQs out there to only choose six) will be the in-person representatives, sharing their stories and responding to your comments.

Focus groups are normally closed, controlled, corporate things – opening it out to the entire world with social media is a bit of an experiment, and for it to work we need as many people to participate as possible. Join the conversation on Saturday 22nd September and make your voice heard.

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