Interview with Studology 101

With over  24,000 Youtube subscribers, 3 million total upload views, 600,000 channel views, 10,000 Facebook “likes,” and 32,000 Twitter followers, Studology 101 has become one of the most followed independently owned multimedia lesbian sites run for and by studs. The founders, DZ and Pookz, who are also Brown Boi Project participants, are all of 23-years-old but exhibit a business sense and maturity behind their years. I corresponded with DZ and Pookz to get more information about them to share with our dapperQ readers:

dapperQ: Can you tell us a bit about yourselves?

Pookz: When we’re not busy working on Studology 101. I like to read books, play basketball, visit with close friends and family. I also dedicate the majority of my life to my spirituality in which I find through, Buddhism.

DZ: I enjoy meditating and working out in my spare time. I love to express myself through dance because I feel that I connect with people on another level. Making other people feel good makes me feel good. I’m a lover of ALL!

dapperQ: What is the mission of Studology101?

Studology 101 was created to help demolish fear and rid the world of discrimination due to lack of education. The mission is to bridge the gaps between the homosexual and heterosexual communities. Studology 101 explores the stud lifestyle from every aspect through opinionated and commonly asked topics on their hit YouTube channel also known as “StudzLife101.“  We are also the founders of the “We All We Got” Movement, which was initially, created to promote and recognize LGBTQ talents of all kinds. The movement has evolved rapidly into unifying our community as one.

DZ (left) and Pookz (right)

dapperQ: How do you define your styles?

We embrace all styles, depending on the day and occasion. Always dressing to impress, you never know who you may run into.

dapperQ: Has it been a journey defining your looks? Tell me about it.

Pookz:  It actually has been quite the journey. Over time my styles have changed and I have finally found one that works for me. I went through the “baggy” clothes stages, early in my childhood actually. From jincos and windsuits in elementary school to baggy jeans and big t-shirts in high school. Of course, I have grown throughout the years and today you can catch me in some slim fit jeans and a cardigan. I like to switch it up every now and then; let’s just say….I clean up well.

DZ: My style consists of some of everything and is constantly changing. I tend to wear more fitted clothes nowadays. In my younger years I wore baggier, loose fitting clothes until I realized how much more appealing it is to wear clothing that fits your body. I like to put my own spin on things when it comes to wearing what’s “in style.” I believe swag is an attitude, not a brand that can be bought. It’s all about confidence. Not conceit…but confidence.


dapperQ: Have you experienced any challenges when it comes to dressing Stud swag?
What are they?

Some of the challenges we come across are being confused for men in public places. Especially the women’s restroom! Being called a sir is always awkward because people always feel bad when they realize we’re females.

dapperQ: What constitutes Stud Style?

Pookz: True stud style is simply a masculine-of-center women being confident in her clothes, no matter what style she chooses to go with. There are a few studs out here rocking women’s clothes just as good as the femmes, so watch out!!

DZ: The best advice I can give is to STAY TRUE TO YOU. Don’t be afraid to be yourself and strive to be the best YOU possible. Be confident and you will attract someone who will love you for you. Just make sure you love yourself first.


dapperQ: Do women find your style attractive? Why?

Women do find our styles attractive. Both of our styles represent us and we rock our styles with confidence.

dapperQ: What has most influenced your style?

Over time, pop culture has been our major influence.

dapperQ: Where do you shop for menswear?

Pookz: For business and winter jackets ,I love to shop at Banana Republic. On casual days, I like Diamond Supply, OBEY, True Religion, Rock & Republic….The list goes on and on!

DZ: I love the Hundreds, Stussy, Ralph Lauren, and Abercrombie.



dapperQ: What is the one article of clothing you cannot live without?

Pookz:  One article of clothing I absolutely cannot live without would have to be my socks. I can’t stand being barefooted!

DZ: My undies. I don’t go commando.


23-year-old Pookz was born in Dallas,TX and is currently living in Dallas, TX. 23-year-0ld DZ was born in Aschaffenberg, Germany and is currently living in Dallas, TX. You can follow Pookz, DZ, and Studology on Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter.

Photos  by George Leonard courtesy of  Studology 101.

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