Ask dapperQ: How to Dress Techie Chic?

A reader writes:

“While watching ‘Silicon Valley’ this week, it occurred to me: I dress like a techie. I’ll never be a dandy. I’ll never dress like a baller. I’m just an average Jo. Is there anyway to pull off techie in a dapper way?”

Silicon ValleyThe cast of “Silicon Valley” via The New York Times

According to Huffington Post Tech, “The Silicon Valley has had a men’s fashion problem dating back to its founders.” The problem you ask? Well, HuffPo sees Silicon Valley style as dumpy, consisting of hoodies, old T-shirts, elastic waist jeans, and leather sandals. The root cause? The industry’s focus on being different, which emphasized ditching suits and stuffy work environments in exchange for a more relaxed work environment and casual dress code. But others, including dapperQ and The New York Times, do not really see the relaxed dress code as being a problem. Rather, dapperQ sees an opportunity to polish Silicon Valley style and create a whole new fashion spin: techie chic.


Why this look works:
This Monday-Friday Uniqlo ensemble combines all of the patterns and color schemes featured in the picture of the “Silicon Valley” cast above. But, you tell us what’s different. This ensemble has a better fit, hip shoes, rolled up pants without all of the unnecessary pockets, a crisp T-shirt, and a color/pattern scheme that match.


Why this look works:
This is a 2012 Uniqlo ensemble, but you can find similar classic pieces at Uniqlo, Gap, and Target on any given day. Seems simple enough, right? The devil is in the details. Ditch the cargo pants for flat front khakis, then roll ’em up and pair them with cool kicks sans the socks. The button-down shirt not only has pattern, but is buttoned up to the neck (it’s all about that top button). The cardigan is also strategically buttoned (only the middle buttons are buttoned). The pants are a big slouchy in all the right places; but overall, everything fits here – no need to go too baggy.


Why this look works
Perfect for the weekend: strolling through the park, programming, and running errands. Trade up your white running shoes for some updated New Balance sneaks. Tapered, textured sweats, like these from ASOS, make the look a bit more polished than your run-of-the-mill, old stained sweats. Also note that this look fits (it’s more “tailored” and not baggy), is color coordinated, and is not completely wrinkled (bust out your iron).

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