Parent / Child Dapper Combos for Father’s/Parent’s Day

*Note: We know that many of our readers celebrate Father’s Day. Others do not fit neatly into the gender binary and celebrate Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, or both. This post is dedicated to anyone who celebrates this upcoming parent’s day.

*Feature image via Jack Tar 207 from their Father’s Day photo shoot.

Father’s Day is right around the corner! To dapper parents everywhere, here’s to you. For rocking your sweet style through spills, spit up, sleepover parties, baseball games, dance recitals, parent teacher conferences, etc., we salute you!

There’s nothing I love more than a perfectly paired parent / child fashion team. Themed outfits might haunt your kids years later (cue Throwback Thursday), but gosh darn will they help you steal the show this Father’s/Parent’s Day weekend.

Here are five outfit themes to get you started!

1. Nautical

Anchors, Anchors, Anchors (Clearly, my Maine bias may be at work here.)

Nautical2. Gingham

Nothing says summer picnic like Sunny Gingham! Mix and match with the duck themed items tucked in your kid’s closet for an extra dose of adorable.


3. Polka Dot

Polka dots are playfully dapper. Paired with a crisp white shirt on a warm summer day, you are sure to be star of the party.

Polka Dots

4. Pinstripes

Classic pinstripe made all the more dapper with your little one in tow. (I don’t know which I’m more obsessed with, the pinstripe diaper bag or the onesie.)


5. Argyle

Finding the perfect mini-sized compliment to your current argyle collection may prove difficult, but not impossible. Check for an inspiring collection of mini argyle kid’s shoes!


Can’t get enough of these dapper pairings? Follow this link to view my home blog JackTar 207’s Dapper Dad photo shoot from last year. Happy matching!


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