Sharpe to Make Tux for Lesbian Who Fought Prom Dress Code

Out honor senior Claudetteia Love, who attends Monroe, Louisiana’s Carroll High School, recently fought her school’s policy that required “girls” to “wear prom dresses to the dance.” Not only did Love successfully get her school to reverse this policy, but she will also be the recipient of a bespoke tuxedo by Sharpe suiting, a queer-centric custom clothier, and formal shoes by NiK Kacy, a gender-neutral luxury footwear line.

WPTV-Claudetteia-Love_1428441225298_16327473_ver1.0_640_480Claudetteia Love. Image via WPTV

Leon Wu (Sharpe Suiting, Founder & CEO) and Kayce Brown (LGBTQ Activist and Queer Fashion Advocate) will be visiting Love in Monroe, LA on Friday, April 24th to help Love get ready for her prom party and make final adjustments to the tuxedo. The tuxedo, reminiscent of Neil Patrick Harris’ Oscars 2015 tux, will be made from high-quality Italian fabric and 100% hand-made in Los Angeles.

This generous gift is the launch of Sharpe Suiting and NiK Kacy Footwear’s new “Love Fellowship” campaign, which will, on an annual basis, provide a free custom tuxedo and pair of dress shoes to a selected LGBTQ high school honors student.

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