100 Most Stylish dapperQs 2016 – ICP

In July 2013, dapperQ published our first ever list of 100 Most Stylish dapperQs. This was by far one of our most popular posts, but was by no means exhaustive. Since the original post was not comprehensive enough to capture all of the amazing dapper that exists in our community, our team decided to compile an annual list of 100 most stylish dapperQs.

Important things to know about this list…

    1. Individuals on the 2013, 2014, and 2015 lists were not eligible for the 2016 list. Yes, Ellen DeGeneres is stylish… year after year…after year. But, we wanted to reserve room for other people in our community. Not to worry; those on the first list, on the second list, and on the third list still hold their titles. So, please do not write us asking why we snubbed Ellen! She’s on the first list with 99 other amazing stylish folks. *We will have a 2017 all star list to commemorate our 5 year anniversary of this annual roundup. 2017 will include previously honored dapperQs*
    2. Individuals were selected based on a nomination system. Don’t see someone you think should be on here? Nominate them for the 2017 list by e-mailing [email protected].
    3. Our list is trans inclusive because our mission has always been to be a fashion and empowerment website for the unconventionally masculine: masculine and androgynous presenting women, gender queers, and trans identified individuals — anyone who has been told that masculinity, androgyny, and masculine-leaning non-binary style is off limits to them.
    4. This is NOT A RANKED LIST!!
    5. This list is not based on sexual orientation, but rather style and expression.
    6. Nominees have a range of styles: some are fluid, and many do not fit neatly into the gender binary. Styles range from andro-chic to dandy, to tomboy, to rock n’ roll, and more…

1. Cris Domingo
Fashion blogger

textPhoto via La Garçonnière

2. Yel
Hip Hop Artist

Photo by Ivon Photos

3. Felicia Dawn Hersey
Founder, Girls with Flair

Felicia_dawn_hersheyPhoto by Molly Adams

4. Renee’ Vallejo
Tufts University, Class of ’16; Infant Teacher

Renee-2Photo by Jenn Marquez

5. Char Glasser
Partner, Hot Rabbit Events; Creative Director, The Vintage Brands

char 2Photo by Kelly Balch


6. Mrs. Kamau Njuguna
Former Governor, Central Bank of Kenya (1980-1985)

Kenyas-League-of-Extravagant-Grannies-Osborne-Macharia-3-715x425Photo by Osborne Macharia

7. Deeba Zivari
Director of Operations and Development, Metro Physical & Aquatic Therapy

DeebaPhoto by Lucia Ekaterina

8. BLAIZE (Chea Calvert)
Actress; Writer; Androgynous Model

chea IIPhoto by Joedee Reyes Photography

9. Madeline Soto (aka Magz Bodon)
Campus Safety Officer, New School Parsons of Fashion and Design

magsPhoto by Holly Hunt

10. Ace Portis
Social Justice Fundraiser

acePhoto by Miki Vargas

11. Olivia Z.
Model; International Security, Cyberterrorism/Cybersecurity

OliviaPhoto by Jenn Marquez

12. Ms. M Adhiambo
Former Minister of Trade & Industry (1972-1980, Kenya)

Nyanye_3-768x458Photo by Osborne Macharia

13. Ree Melanent
Gender Retired Part-Time Student/Activist

100Photo by Katarina Sällylä

14. Alyssia Evans

AlyissaPhoto by Karla Olvera

15. Naa Akua
Spoken Word Artist; Emcee

NaaAkuaFashionShoot74of162-768x1152Photo by Jeanesque Photography

16. Nats Getty
Model; Designer; Getty Oil Heiress

Photo by Sharlene Durfey

17. Jill Soloway
Comedian; Playwright; Television Writer; Director

jill salowayPhoto via Mic.

18. Carolyn Wysinger
Author/Blogger; Activist; Contributor at Autostraddle

graph_with_vest_lean_1024x1024Ensemble and photo via Saint Harridan

19. Jake Graf

jake graf dapperqPhoto by Thomas Knights

20. Whitney Hardy
Financial Controller; Business Consultant; Philanthropist

WhitneyPhoto by Denise Parnell

21. NicKayla
Songstress; Actress; Writer; Dancer; Musician; Poet

NicKaylaPhoto by Olivia Eutsler

22. LJ Johnson
Social Worker

LJPhoto by Jenn Marquez

23. Phuong Ta

Phuong TaPhoto by Jenn Marquez

24. Consuelo Ruybal
Creative Director, Interactive Strategy

crPhoto by Meg Allen

25. Stoney Michelli and Uzo Ejikeme
Co-Founders & Designers at Stuzo Clothing

stoney-and-uzo-26Photo by Molly Adams

26. Stephanie Barreto de Araujo

stephanieEnsemble and photo by Brownie and Blondie

27. Michelle Daly
Co-Founder, Plezzure Island/Lesbutante & the Boss; Army Veteran

michelledaly_lisahause_dapperq_004Photo by Lisa Hause

28. Mindy Dawn Friedman
Product Marketing Manager

Photos via Instagram

29. Janie Cai
Fashion Director, Esquire Singapore

Janie CaiPhoto via Instagram

30. Leslie Winer
Model; Musician; Poet

Leslie-Winer-001Photo via Notorious Mag

31. Bonnie Beats

bonnie beatsPhoto via Instagram

32. Tasha Boué

Boss StylistPhoto via Instagram

33. Evan Rachel Wood

evan-rachel-would-lead-photo-second-timeEnsemble and photo by Wildfang

34. Heather Rae Martin
DJ; Board Member, LGBTQ MBAs

knotzlandPhoto by Njaimeh Njie

35. Susan Calman
Comedian; Panelist, BBC

susan-calman-high-res-picPhoto via Susan Calman Website

36. Kristen Stewart

Kristen-StewartPhoto via W magazine

37. Eve Mathenge (aka Mr. Eve)
Stylist; Marketer

evePhoto courtesy Mr. Eve

38. Zoe Hughes
Not-for-Profit Researcher

ZoePhoto by Elisha Clarke

39. Camilla Fioravanzi
Legal Secretary; Photographer; Graphic Designer

camillaSelf portrait by Camilla Fioravanzi Photography

40. Ebony Sargent
Landscape Architect; Model

Ebony Sargent (dapper_sargent)Photo by Tren’l Brunson

41. Ashlyn Harris
Professional Soccer Player

ashlynPhoto via Instagram

42. Mrs. S Were
Former Economist and Personal Advisor to the President (1972-1992, Kenya)

Nyanye_1-690x411Photo by Osborne Macharia

43. Kelly Sanders Moffat and Laura Mofatt
Wife and Wife Co-Founders of Kirrin Finch Apparel

KirrinPhoto by Evan Robinson Photography

44. MJ Hessel
Non-Profit Direct Support Professional

MJPhoto via Instagram

45. Madeline Guzman
Talent Acquisition Specialist/Boxer

GuzmanPhoto by Charlie Billups

46. Jackeline Bodden
Student; Fashion Blogger

dappershePhoto via Instagram

47. Zoe Warry
Personal Trainer

zoe2Photo by Morgan Church

48. Live Hart

Live Hart_DapperQ 100 ListPhoto by Gary Hughes of Hughes Fioretti Photography

49. Maya Thompson
Dental Student at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine

Maya Thompson _ DapperQ SubmissionPhoto by Rosy Mackintosh

50. Emily Meyer

Emily MeyerPhoto via Cheetah Is the New Black

51. Lauren Yates
W’menswear Blogger

Lauren IIPhoto via Ponytail Journal

52. Lena Tenney
Graduate Student; Educator

Photo by Lyndsey Smith

53. Rosemary Kim

RosemaryDapperQPhoto by Marisa Tovar

54. DapperJae
Chicago-Based DJ; Composer

DapperJaePhoto via Instagram

55. Lena Waithe
Actor; Screenwriter; Producer

lenawaithePhoto via The Blueprint Show

56. Ariana van Dyck
Project Coordinator at Architecture Firm

Ariana van DyckPhoto by Armont van Dyck

57. Kellie Ketron
Tie and Accessories Maker; Owner/Handmaker/Mastermind of Dapper Geek

Dapper GeekPhoto courtesy Dapper Geek

58. Buzz Slutzky
Artist; Professor

buzzPhoto via Facebook

59. Megan Rapinoe
American Professional Soccer Player

megan-rapinoePhoto via International Business Times

60. Melles (Xanh) Tran
Photographer; DJ

xanhPhoto via Tumblr

61. Molly Adams

molly_look3_2-683x1024Photo by Leah Case

62. Danielle Small
Digital Media Consultant

smallPhoto by Brown Boi Images

63. Robyn The Trex Lambird
Wheelchair Racer; Vlogger; Mentor

robynPhoto via Instagram

64. Maya Spratling (aka Jetpacksprat)
Style Blogger

jetPhoto via Instagram

65. Carol Loan (aka DJ Kandylion)
DJ/Producer; Audio Engineer

carolloan-1-2-1Photo via Chris Sorensen

66. Susan Lee
General Manager, Upland

SusanLee-7902Photo by Evan Sung

67. Tara Juano

RenegadesPhoto by Anastasiia Sapon

68. Fernandra Fowler
Photographer; Videographer

Fernandra FowlerPhoto self portrait via Instagram

69. Shannon
Doctoral Student

ShannonPhoto via Tumblr

70. Robin Dembroff
Doctoral Student

Robin DembroffPhoto by Daniel Wodak

71. Maye Musk

MuskPhoto via W magazine

72. Küb
Actor; Performer

dapperberlinPhoto by Jaso Thunderkhat

73. MicahTron
Hip Hop Artist

micahtronPhoto via Instagram

74. Carter the Body
Personal Trainer; Exotic Dancer

Photo by Nuvia Magdahi

75. Amanda Martinez

Amanda MartinezPhoto via Instagram

76. Sarah Jane Adams
Designer; Instagram Sensation

saraPhoto via Instagram

77. Becky Morgan
Psychology Professor

BeckyMorgan-0062Photo by Miki Vargas

78. Doreen Pierre
Blogger; Photographer

DoreenPhoto by Jelan Coley

79. Ciara Shiggs

ciaraPhoto by Derek Blanks

80. Lola Sanchez
Tap Dancer; Artist; Model

lolaPhoto by Raydene Salinas

81. Brooklyn Wright
Founder, Boi Society, Inc.

brooklyn 2Photo by Meg Allen

82. Ana “Smitty” Smith
Hand Model Recruiter

9162_anasmittysmithPhoto by Gianella Espinosa

83. Alexandra Shad ShadLav

Alex-2Photo by Jenn Marquez

84. Dina Thorpe

Dinah Thorpe Photo by Jack Jackson

85. Malinder Tooray

ToorayPhoto by Kate Singh

86. LA-Based Band “No Girlfriends”

no girlfriendsPhoto by Liza Nelson

87. Erica Moise
Attorney; LGBTQ Rights Activist

EricaMoise_Piano-683x1024Photo by The Erin and Christa Show

88. Julia Weldon
Musician; Actor; Model

Julia WeldonPhoto by Najva Sol

89. Lees

young yuckaPhoto by Olivia Eutsler

90. Grey Dominguez
Men’s Hairstylist

Grey dominguezPhoto by Kristin Deavers

91. Jahna Salvo

Jahna SalvoPhoto by Miki Vargas for the Handsome Revolution Project

92. Fuzz Rico
Artist; Curator

fuzzricoPhoto by Fernandra Fowler

93. Hillary Werth
Artist; Model

Hillary WerthPhoto by Adam Reynolds

94. Luisa Caruso
Youth Worker; Yoga Teacher

LouisaPhoto by Estee

95. Ericka Hagan (aka Egypt)

EgyptPhoto by REEGH


96. Dr. M. Shelly Conner
Executive Director, Quare Square Collective, Inc.; Travel Blogger

shellydq2Photo by Betsy Stout

97. Sham Shirley
Image Consultant

shamPhoto via Instagram

98. Minerva Rivera
Bar Owner, Henrietta Hudson; Real Estate Agent

MinniePhoto by Frank Manning

99. Lisa Cannistraci
Bar Owner, Henrietta Hudson

Lisa Dapper QPhoto by Brown Boi Images

100. Krys Robens

Krys Dapper QPhoto by Brown Boi Images




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