Hi Femme! Steph Davidson

Welcome back to Hi Femme!, dapperQ’s sibling visibility project celebrating the incredible contributions that stylish femmes make to queer fashion. This edition, we’re featuring Steph Davidson, a copywriter, horror junkie, blogger, Torontonian, aspiring vegetarian cook, and happy nerd.

Photo by Michael Stuckless

Hi Femme!: Can you talk a bit about how you define queer femme style and what makes it transgressive?

Steph: For me, it’s about keeping things unexpected. A 50’s or 60’s silhouette with a buzzcut, jeans and boots offset by a pink bow.

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Hi Femme!: How would you describe your personal style?

Steph: Nerd-cute-modern-retro. Alternately: boobs and bows.

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Hi Femme! Who are your fashion icon(s)?

My fashion icons are friends and people I see rocking their own personal style. I’m drawn to pinup-y styles, but not everyone is. What excites me about style is that it’s such a great way to express your individuality.

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Hi Femme!: What item in your style arsenal can you not live without?

Steph: Felt tip eyeliner. I can feel femme in just jeans and a t-shirt rocking a solid cat eye.



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