Welcome back to Hi Femme!, dapperQ’s sibling visibility project celebrating the incredible contributions that stylish femmes make to queer fashion. This edition, we’re featuring Tyler Roze Barbosa, a Gender-Fluid Homosexual who use his fashion to express his inner “Queen” as she would say. An Artist who seeks to bring empowerment to everyone who spares the ear to listen to her/his spoken word poetry. As well as a young entrepreneur who’s soulful commitment to the program that change his/her life called Books of Hope Boston that allows him/her the platform to teach and share the power of turning emotional pain into art and poetry that heals the heart.
dapperQ: Can you talk a bit about how you define queer femme style and what makes it transgressive?
Tyler: As a first-generation American, I had to face a life-style that had set roles for each gender that I didn’t fit well into. Its strict view left me no room to voice my interest in more feminine things growing up, but I made subtle choices in my outfits like wearing earrings that where bright colored or leggings that enabled me to express hints of femininity. Even adding mascara to my eyelashes made me more prideful in my style. I would have to say the queer femme style is like a hammer that has a sole purpose to break down judgmental states of mind and beliefs based on pure ignorance. It’s an aggressive reminder that we deserve our legal rights and our right to express our extravagant Femme selves. Being assigned male at birth, leaving the house with mascara and red lipstick is transgressive when living in a world that tells you not to because it not manly enough. My Femme style gave birth to a silent protest that reminds me to love myself even when society aims to treat me as lesser being through laws and rude comments.
Photo by Jaypix Belmer
dapperQ: How would you describe your personal style?
Tyler: I think my fashion style now is a mixture of chic meets spiritual awakening with a whole lot of earthy tones and textures.
dapperQ: Who are your fashion icon(s)?
Tyler: I know this is cliché but my mother would have to be my first fashion icon because she showed me so many ways that a person can present themselves such as Goth boldness, Classic chic, to business casual with fierceness and the list goes on and on. Lately my icons have been Lady gaga for her boldness and Janelle Monáe for her wit and spontaneity. And lastly Jidenna just because of everything.
Photo by Sam Murray
dapperQ: What item in your style arsenal can you not live without?
Tyler: I am an accessory junky who loves all things vintage. And there is this one Portuguese gold ring with a Onyx or Obsidian stone embed in it that use to belong to my grandmothers father. I cherish it so much because my grandmother decided to resize the rings just so it just could fit on my finger and for one reason or another is my go to when all other things fail. Its my diamond in the rough when it comes to my fashion arsenal.
Want more Tyler? Check out Qwear featuring Tyler’s style here and here.
Dear awe-inspiring DapperQ Team.
You guys are the best! Thanks for Making my dreams a reality. I never thought Id be this vibrant and loving towards my body Image. and for that thank you again because ever time I see this I am full of Fabulous Joy to be in the body I am in. You wonderful souls are a gorgeous blessing in my development as a Gay Black Artist. And for that I am forever grateful.
So Much Love ,