For some of us, Superbowl is a time when we cheer on our favorite teams and celebrate the near super-human athletic abilities of some of the greatest sports stars who play one of the greatest sports. For others, the Superbowl has become somewhat of a holiday and is just another excuse to eat until we go into a food coma. And still, for others, the Superbowl is something we must suffer through in order to see the Half-Time Show, keep up with water cooler conversation, and spend time with those we love. Whatever the reason, you can spend Superbowl in style. Need pointers? We’ve put together a guide to great outfits, food ideas, and drink recipes!

Hosting the Superbowl at your place? Wondering how you are going to feed your vegan, vegetarian, carnivore, and gluten-free friends and family without making pans and pans of food (e.g., a pan of vegan chili, a pan of beef chili, etc.)? Try a hot dog bar! You can get tofu, veggie, beef, and pork dogs; vegan and dairy cheeses; and traditional and gluten-free buns. Then, you can focus your energy on making creative, mouth watering toppings. Just sit back and let the guests have fun with designing their own dogs.
Image via Pinterest
Check out some creative/gourmet hot dog topping recipes at Real Simple and Bon Appetit.
For team specialty drinks, we asked one of our favorite dapper mixologists and TuB Gin Brand Ambassador Allie Contreras to create a Broncos drink recipe that contained beer (since Colorado is known for its breweries) and Seahawks drink recipe that contained coffee (since Seattle is known for its coffee houses).
Bronco’s “Wave of Mutilation”
.50 oz fresh lime juice
.75 red wine reduction
1.5 oz TuB gin
3-4 oz Dales pale ale
Shake gin and lime juice together.
Top with Dales pale ale.
Pour red wine reduction over cocktail and garnish with a lime peel.
Red wine reduction:
4 cups of Malbec or any other deep red wine
2 cups of H2O
2 cups of sugar
2 tsp cardamom
2 tsp coriander
Reduce the wine until it’s syrup like.
Seahawks “Legion of Boom”
.50 oz Snap Liquor
1.5 oz Myers dark rum
3-4 oz Coffee
.50 oz vanilla/cinnamon syrup
2 oz steamed milk
Steam milk and syrup together.
Garnish with cinnamon toast crunch cereal.
You can be an adult and have childhood memories at the same time.
About the mixologist: Who doesn’t love a lesbian with a mustache?!? Allison Contreras is a Denver based boozehound and liquid designer. She currently serves as the Brand Ambassador for TuB gin & Peach St. Distillery, which gives money back to the queer community. You can also catch her slinging at the Corner House.