Style Dossier: Ronnie

Welcome back to Style Dossier, Gabrielle Royal’s column that profiles stylish queers across the country. This edition, Gabrielle is featuring Florida-based Ronnie, a queer style Instagram influencer and one half of the vlogging duo Drea & Ronnie.

(Left, Drea; Right Ronnie) Photo by @0rlannss

Gabby: Why is queer visibility important in travel and fashion important?

Ronnie: Because we deserve to be inspired too, and by icons who we can really relate to! People who can give us advice and tips on creating looks that make us feel deeply connected to our identity.

Gabby: How do your platforms help create space for members of our community?  How do they challenge mainstream travel and fashion platforms? 

Ronnie: At this point, simply existing can create a lot of space, which is a little sad if you ask me, but a step in the right direction! I just want to show queer people examples of self-expression through fashion that they can really connect to and spring-board off of to create their own unique style. Mainstream doesn’t usually celebrate anything that doesn’t fit into a neat little feminine or masculine box, even in queer media! I find that I like very much the spot I’m snuggled into, which I feel is evenly between the two. Androgyny is sexy and moreover the confidence that comes from being true to yourself is sexy. I want everyone to see that. I want to inspire people to tap into that beauty within themselves.

Gabby: How much of your personal style is influenced by your identity?

Ronnie: Which part of my identity? [Laughs] I mean, my style is certainly influenced by my queerness, given it is fairly androgynous. However, as I mentioned in one of my more recent posts, it’s also heavily influenced by things I’m excited about or passionate about and other parts of my identity that don’t have anything to do with my gender or sexual preference. For instance, I’m a massive nerd so anything that makes me feel like a video-game character or a post-apocalyptic bad-ass is something I really want to wear.

Photo by @0rlannss

Gabby: Who is your biggest fashion icon and why?

Ronnie: If I had to pick a creator that has really influenced my fashion choices that are more mainstream, I’d say Alex Costa. His content taught me a lot of the fundamentals, plus he has excellent taste. I also get a lot of inspiration from some of the fashion I see in K-pop videos, to be honest. The clothes they wear blow me away.

Gabby: Tell us about your biggest fashion and/or shopping fail!

Ronnie: Oh man, I’m 5’0 tall, so I feel like any time I walk into the men’s section of your average fast-fashion store, it’s a fail. The “small” shirts look like sad, shapeless dresses on me.

Photo by @dreaberlayne

Gabby: What advice would you give our readership? What advice can you offer to people who fit outside of society’s understanding of traditionally masculine and feminine styles?

Ronnie: It’s cliche but be the change you want to see, friends. That’s how we change tradition. Wish there was more queer content? Create it. Write queer screen-plays and music. Make a YouTube channel and showcase your queer life! Start an Instagram showcasing your style. Nothing happens when no one acts.


Gabby: Tell us something unique about you!

Ronnie: I’m really in love with the arts in general. I love to act and sing, I’m hoping to work up the nerve to include that in my content eventually, if it fits.

Photo by @dreaberlayne

Gabby: What can we expect next from you?

Ronnie: I’ve been dying to show off my coats and leather jackets, I’m sure those will start creeping their way onto my feed soon!

Gabby: Where can our readers follow your work? 

Ronnie: @p.ronnie.z (personal) and @drea.ronnie (a collaborative page I have with my partner @dreaberlayne.) Also we have a YouTube channel

Photo by @dreaberlayne

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