Style Dossier: Charlotte Glasser

Welcome back to Style Dossier, Gabrielle Royal’s column that profiles stylish queers across the country. This edition, Gabrielle is featuring Charlotte Glasser, a New York City based consultant, event producer, and promoter.

Charlotte is proud born and raised Bostonian and has been in NYC since August 2013. By day Charlotte works as an independent consultant for start-ups and sales professionals to improve their revenue streams and overall business development skills. By night Charlotte is an Event Producer/Promoter with Hot Rabbit! *Feature image by Jenn Marquez Photography.

char1Photo by Jenn Marquez Photography

Tell us a bit about your overall style.
My favorite outfit concepts are made up of as many layers as possible. I am always struggling between how femme and how masculine I want to present, but tend to lean towards the masculine side. If my outfit feels too basic, I up my accessory game. I like anything with some drop in the crotch; Call me crazy but they make me feel taller. High tops or boots are a must for me, although I recently got very comfortable in the one pair of black on black Vans I own. Over sized t-shirts or tank tops with a simple graphic, jean vest, hoodie vest, leather coats, denim coats..I want to wear all of it at once. I shop at Karmaloop as often as possible, but also am obsessed with Scotch and Soda as well as G-Star.

Who is your biggest fashion icon and why?
I have two big fashion icons. One is Diane Keaton – I think she does and has always done an amazing job at balancing the feminine/masculine dynamic. I love the pieces that she chooses to put together; I love her effortless cool. The way she accessorizes and layers has always appealed to me as well. As much as everyone HATES him, I also am a huge fan of Kanye’s fashion. I love what he wore to the VMA’s a few years ago. I think it was the first time we saw him in the black on black on black suit with the all red high tops. I like color blocking: the intensity and simplicity of his concepts. He does a lot of oversized top layers with perfectly fitted pieces underneath. Sometimes less is more and he can do it all. I’ll gladly live in his closet.

charhatPhoto courtesy Charlotte Glasser

How much of your personal style is influenced by your identity?
A huge part of my personal style is influenced by my identity. I grew up a major tomboy, stealing my brothers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle tighty whiteys. When my friends gave me a “make over” in 6th grade, I started to get attention from the boys in a different way and I stuck with a more feminine look from then on. I was a stereotypical blonde, feminine, straight-identifying girl until I was 19. When I started to identify as gay and pursue women, I started to struggle with my presentation. I wasn’t comfortable in “girly girl” clothes around the women I was interested in. I slowly started to cut my hair shorter, and I remember buying my first pair of “boyfriend” jeans from H&M. My style since these early days fluctuates a great deal between androgynous, high femme, and strongly masculine. I appreciate my fluidity more now that I can play with it a bit more. I keep my hair longer-ish and the sides faded; It makes me feel like I can work out any outfit I feel most confident in.

Why is queer visibility important and how does fashion help create space for members of our community?
Queer visibility is important to me because it breaks the rules of society and changes norms to be individualized. It is so important for the generations below us to see that they can do and be anything they want. When I started coming out and meeting other masculine presenting people, it inspired me to find my own identity and be confident in how I presented it. Fashion allows our community to share their unique characteristics visually. The option to pick and choose a variety of clothing and wear it on your body is empowering.

charkaraPhoto courtesy Charolette Glasser

Tell us about your biggest fashion and/or shopping fail.
I feel like all the shopping I did from 6th grade to my junior year of college were fashion fails! I was picking things that other people liked, not based on the things that I liked. If I were shopping for myself in 2007, I would have learned that three-piece suits in size youth 14 from Zara fit me like a glove.

What advice would you give other dapperQs? What advice can you offer to people who fit outside of society’s understanding of traditionally masculine and feminine styles?
The best advice I would give people who don’t fit inside society’s understanding of traditional masculine or feminine styles would be that it’s ok. I would tell people that presentation comes from within and I recommend using fashion as a tool in trying out new ways of expression that most lift you up. It is so easy to go into a store and pick out what you have seen everyone else wearing; What is difficult and truly inspiring is finding those random pieces and putting them together uniquely in a way that is authentically YOU. Be whoever you want to be always; Don’t dress to impress, dress to FEEL YOUR BEST. At the end of the day who you are is not dependent on the clothes that you wear but it doesn’t hurt to show the world your true colors. It’s okay to be more than one thing at one time.

charshagPhoto courtesy Charlotte Glasser

Tell our readership something unique about you or your style.
I think the way I present both in my attire and attitude gives people a certain expectation of me and when they get to know me they can be pleasantly surprised. People I meet, at nightlife events often tell me, that they thought I would be more of a partier and they are shocked that I read or have cultural interests aside from my nightlife experiences. Sometimes they are intimidated to say hi, but I’m ALWAYS friendly! This just goes to show you can’t judge people!

How did you hear about dapperQ? Why were you interested in a feature?
I heard about dapperQ by my good friends who have also been noticed for having amazing style. Particularly, my business partner Emily Hall Smith, and some of our favorite DJs Robi D Lite, and Shirley House’s Gillian Sandman — really excited for our upcoming PRIDAY Event with them on June 26th at Gramercy Theatre.

Stay connected with Charlotte:
Follow @BostonGupp on Instagram and I’m on Facebook actively as well! I encourage everyone to introduce themselves to me when they come to a Hot Rabbit event, you would be surprised how few new people engage with me at our parties and I want the opportunity to meet EVERYONE.

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