10 Stylish Sweethearts to Follow on Valentine’s Day

We have good news and bad news for you all this Valentine’s Day. Let’s start with the bad news. Sweethearts candies will not be produce for the first time in 116 years.

Photo via the Washington Post

Ok, that might not be the worst news for some (or most) of us. BUT, we needed a good excuse to bring you some good news. We have something even sweeter for you this year in the form of 10 of the most stylish sweethearts to follow on Instagram! Also, we know there are far more than 10 to follow, so put your favs in the comments! They might be featured on our Insta or in our 100 Most Stylish in the future!!!


1. @alitheacastillo + @thestreetsensei


2. @iamjarijones + @corey_meets_world


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A Double Helping. I can’t explain to you what it feels like to fulfill a major dream and to fulfill that with the love of your life. I’m am beyond excited to announce that @corey_meets_world and I are official #CHROMATBABE s !! For years @chromat has been one of the top influences of my fashion expression as a plus and trans woman and now to be the face of the #Holidaze Campaign is beyond my wildest dreams. Chromat presents their GIVE 20 + GET 20πŸ’• Starting at midnight tonight, shop 20% off with code β€œHolidaze” and we’ll donate 20% of the proceeds to 3 empowering organizations: @glits_inc @gyrlwonder @sow.nyc #ChromatHolidaze BTS Video shot and edited by Julissa Ramirez @1800_i_luv_you at Scope of Work @sow.nyc Photographer: Chelsea Francis @ohhhchelsea Art Direction: Ben Ritter @benritter Hair: Andrita Renee @andrita Make-Up: Van Khai Truong @vanmakeupartistry for MAC Cosmetics Nails: Eda Levenson @eda.midori @ladyfancynails Jewelry: Anna Kikue @anna.kikue Photo Assistants: Julissa Ramirez @1800_i_luv_you and Eduardo Licona @lixona at Scope of Work @sow.nyc Stylist Assistant: Kareem Mercer @darumeerk at Scope of Work @sow.nyc Chromat Social: Crystal Simmons @__cryssiespeaks Footwear: Sorel @sorelfootwear #transgender #trans #translivesmatter #blacktranslivesmatter #transisbeautiful #queer #celebratemysize #powercouple #honormycurves #curvy #bodydiversity #effyourbeautystandards #curvygirl #curvemodel #influencer #plussize #plusmodel #thick #plussizemodel #bodypositive #representationmatters #swimwear #swimsuit #campaign #transrightsarehumanrights #wewontbeerased

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3. Cali + Divine of @addictedtoloveofficial


4. Aja and Miriam at @dearjonesey


5. @styleisstyle + @halfspice


6. @yxnibrmp + @triskit


7. Michelle + Kelly of @lesbutanteandtheboss


8. @dreaberlayne + @p.ronnie.z


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If I would have killed myself in 2014 like I wanted to, I wouldn’t have experienced some of the best moments of my life. I wouldn’t be in the process of making my dreams come true, I wouldn’t have met the love of my life, I wouldn’t have gotten to see my little brother go to his first day of school, I wouldn’t have finally made my own music, my YouTube, my modeling happen, etc. I wouldn’t have anything I have now. I’m once again a generally happy person, but that doesn’t mean I don’t struggle from mental illness each and every day. That doesn’t mean that I don’t fight to choose happiness every day. And that doesn’t mean I always win that fight. And right now even, I’m going through an adjustment period of moving into my own place again, this time with someone I know I can trust, experiencing truer love than I’ve ever witnessed (and that comes with a whole new set of things my brain is trying to process, but that’s a discussion for another time.) But I just wanted to take this moment to acknowledge these things. (And to share a few happy memories.) I have a lot of younger followers, and I think when we’re younger and we’re struggling, it’s hard for people to take that seriously. So I wanted to say, your feelings are valid, no matter how big or how small, simply because you feel them and they’re real; you are not alone, there is more to life than the problems we’re handed; things do get better, and we can go from being ready to throw in the towel and give up, to having a thirst for life much more quickly than our brains will let us believe. You are so very loved.

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9. @straydaze + @tonhyakae


10. Whitney and Megan of @whatweagandidnext


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Happy 30th Birthday to my most beautiful wife & soulmate @wbacon11 πŸ’• I love you more than the moon! M xoxo β€’ Yes, this post is super belated as her birthday was on 10th June πŸ™ˆ but unfortunately Whitney got sick with mono / glandular fever & we’re currently in Spain! πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ Got everything crossed that she’ll be better soon but if you have any tips on how to kick this virus, that would be great! 😘 β€’ β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- We are #femme #lesbiancouple Whitney (@wbacon11) & Megan (@meganfromwegan, known as Wegan. πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ’‹β€πŸ‘© Wife & wife, bloggers, Youtubers & entrepreneurs! Follow along our travel journeys, life & love πŸŒŽπŸ’• #whatwegandidnext β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ #wegan #wifeandwife #mrsandmrs #whitneyandmegan #lesbiancouple #pride2018 #lovewins

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1 Comment

  • I love Divine Archer and Cali Miles.. And i also love another lesbian couples Karin DeStilo (@kdestilo) and Skyler Felts (@skylerfelts_) and Hannah and Alia of @hersandhers .. I hope you can also feature them.. Thank you..

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