Top 10 Challenges – Draft Needs YOUR Feedback
byIn the process of creating a roadmap that dapperQ will use to advance the cause of those “transgressing men’s fashion,” I am drafting wide-ranging…
In the process of creating a roadmap that dapperQ will use to advance the cause of those “transgressing men’s fashion,” I am drafting wide-ranging…
I am so friggin’ sick of years of Shane, Shane, Shane as America’s dyke heartthrob. I say let’s hold a new election in which…
This post was submitted by Logan when asked to complete the following thought: dapperQ walks in to a bakery in small town America… Definitive…
Ridiculously friggin’ precious. This West Coast duo is the oft-featured subject of FitForaFemme. Responding rhetorically to the question: Is this a lesbian blog? FitforaFemme…
Our Media Maven, Dana V, sent me an e-mail entitled, “Stop your work and do this right now.” The time-suck in question is a…
Yesterday’s Washington Post featured a great article article entitled, “Same-sex weddings open the door to finding the right male attire for women,” which prominently…
Lord knows Ellen Degeneres , Suze Orman and Rachel Maddow aren’t at the top of their respective games in entertainment, personal finance and news…