
madmen_standardOur Media Maven, Dana V, sent me an e-mail entitled, “Stop your work and do this right now.”   The time-suck in question is a slick little goodie promoting the upcoming new season of Mad Men which  lets dapperQ’s select from a wide array of retro options to suit themselves.   The tagline, which could be torn from the pages of this site says, “Be Sleek.  Be Stylish.  Be Yourself.”

But, of course!  Can you pull off the geeky horn-rimmed eyeglasses that you label as “instant intellectual?” Are you blue, brown, or black? Formal, sporty or leisure?  Do you sport an attache, martini or daily news?  Here’s me (but if I had to do again, I’d let go of the slim moustache.)

On a related note, I’m heading to Northhampton and rural New Hampshire next week to noodle on next steps for dapperQ. If I had money, I’d probably put together a program like this that not only lets us put together a look, but then links us to affirming merchants who would offer sizes that work for us.   And I’d promote regional gatherings replete with wide-ranging fashion items where we could leisurely try it all on, and watch for the knowing gleam in that certain someone’s eye when we nail it.

The day the Washington Post article featuring dapperQ quandries hit the streets, Robin Cloud reported that her uncle heard the story being discussed on talk radio in D.C. The general theme: that gay marriage has come so far that we are now worrying about what we will wear.

OMG! My point exactly! What if all the interest you have been expressing, visits to the site and comments you have been making, result in partnerships like the the fantasy animation/shopping program I just described? What if this IS our TIME!

Too late in the day to get so worked up.  Let’s take the rest of the afternoon off.   We deserve it…

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