NY Times Gets Closer

A heady whiff of the future envisioned by dapperQ can be found in two recent New York Times articles by Ruth La Ferla.  In the first, entitled, “It’s All a Blur to Them” (11.18.09), La Ferla writes that “…urban Americans, mostly in their 20s — are revising standard notions of gender-appropriate dressing, tweaking codes, upending conventions and making hash of ancient norms.”  It’s clear readers want to hear more because the Times followed up with a related article five weeks later entitled, “The Damsel Is in Distress” (12.14.09).

The first article notes that a number of stores have responded to growing demand for clothing that isn’t defined by gender. Notables include American Apparel, Burberry and Urban Outfitters.  There’s also part of a unisex line designed by Chloe Sevigny which has what New York Magazine calls  “gay lumberjack flavor.”

The missing link dapperQ intends bring to life is the raw power these fashions have when they’re sported by the real deal – in our case, straight women, tomboys, butches, transmen, and gender queers who literally embody these impulses.  What we intend to prove is that America’s hunger for Ellen DeGeneres and Rachel Maddow and Jackie Warner is wide and deep.  And that it stems from an appreciation not only of their indisputable gifts, but from the magnetic appeal of authenticity.

We are going to give the people what they want — for God’s sake — even if they don’t yet know they want it.  Get ready- the wealth of power, charisma and sex appeal that is the dapperQ is about to be unleashed upon an unsuspecting world.

Photo credit: Featuring Michele Wang and Bettina Chin in the New York Times by Elizabeth Lippman

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