Shiloh Jolie-Pitt is blossoming into a boy

Everyone No one sane is freaking out about Brangelina giving their adorable love child, Shiloh a “boy’s” hair cut and letting her dress like a little sir.


Apparently Life & Style magazine and the internet have been ablaze with hellish fiery controversy about the couple indulging their  daughter’s tomboy-ish ways.

Shiloh only responds to the name John and has been seen sporting “boys” clothes all over la-la land.


Glenn Stanton, director of Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family is quoted as saying “Little girls have never been women before,…They need help, they need guidance of what that looks like. It’s important to teach our children that gender distinction is very healthy.”


Dear Glenn Stanton,

It’s important to teach you that during evolution (yes, we evolved) some of us didn’t come as far as the rest of us.



P.S If you wish to discuss the misuse of outward appearance I suggest you have a conference call with your facial hair.

The article conclude “For more on Shiloh’s shocking transformation, pick up the new issue of Life & Style, on newsstands now.” Shocking transformation?  She’s three.  She isn’t mentally damaged enough yet to believe in such ridiculously binary ideas about gender.

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  • I conference with my facial hair multiple times a day but it has such an obstinate mind of its own that it always hijacks the discussion in directions that I deem completely unhelpful and undignified. I express these concerns in a calm and constructive way, but it just laughs at me in such a maniacal fashion that it frightens me. So you can understand how sensitive I am on this point.

    And it was this very facial hair that selected that stupid tie that particular day of the shoot, which I still haven’t forgiven her for.

  • I’m so glad you wrote about this– I just saw this at a newsstand in Herald Square and got really pissed off.

    If this is at all true, I actually think it’s interesting that Shiloh only responds to the name John. Let there be fluidity!

  • I think Shiloh has great style. i can’t wait to see what she’s coming up with as a teenager or young woman (if that’s the gender she ends up identifying as). love out there to all the beautiful people!

  • She has brothers, this makes sense, her family is full of actors, she is probably playing make believe, which her parents do for money on the big screen, I am not concerned, her mom is bi anyway so if this turns into some kind of deviancy 10 years from now, I’m sure they’ll either be understanding or have the money for a shrink, I’m sure this is the least of that kid’s problems, she has like 7 kids in her family, and the media on her ass. I think it’s nice that they’re letting her be herself.

  • Also. . . why is no one considering the fact that Shiloh is the child of two ACTORS? Seriously. Regardless of what this means for her(?) gender identity in the long run, it would be abnormal NOT to create a dramatized persona. Everyone else in Hollywood is doing it, right?

    If you ask me, Shiloh/John’s just having fun messing with her parents, the paparazzi, and the intertubes. Right on!

  • Shocking Transformation? Hello? This is so 1977. Annie Hall anyone? Shiloh Jolie-Pitt is going retro. Fab!

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