dapQsnaps – Girlyman at Joe’s Pub

The life of those of us who don’t know how to be “a lady” used to be damn hard.  dapQsnaps illuminate how far we have come.  These are from the sold-out Girlyman show at Joe’s Pub last week.   It opens with Kenny and Christine who are flanked by one of our nearest and dearest, Genevieve.  She’s also in the final photo with my gorgeous wife Shannon and me.  Erica follows next outside with Astor Place in the background, then it is Ty Greenstein (who is inspiring the crap out of me these days), then dapperQ Shana, Shannon and me.

[flickrslideshow acct_name=”dapperq” id=”72157623492853553″]

It may appear that dapperQs are an incestuous group since I can reference other times these folks have been featured.  As I have said before, we are in fact a tribe that was scattered to the winds before we met.  Show yourself, send us photos, invite us to your events.  Once the world gets a peek at us, they will want more.  We’ve got to begin charting our whereabouts so that I can let press know when they want a local angle (or to meet us in our natural habitat).  I envision  a chart like the L Word, that begins to map our connections.  And I envision those connections growing stronger as we do.

P.S. We will be shooting dapQsnaps at the book launch of WhipSmart, hosted by dapQ Sini Anderson.  Bowery Poetry Club, 8-11.  Wear your most dapperQ outfit and get in on the action!

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