What type of outfit can you wear to a summer dyke wedding to both dance “The Worm” and make the girls squeal? Here’s one, sported by a graphic designer named Gigi who hails from Greensboro, NC who had this to say about her outfit:
I was wearing Women’s Skinny Khaki’s from Gap. A boy’s shirt I found at a thrift store that I hemmed into a short sleeve and a skinny white tie from express. Wish the tie was even skinnier but oh well.
Cuz I’m so petite I mostly shop in the boys section. This can be frustrating though because boys clothes is usually short and boxy. This whole fad for skinny jeans and tight clothes is treating me well cuz their is more to be found in the way of “fitted” boys clothing.
Some things I have learned along the way: American Apparel makes “unisex” clothing, meaning it runs small and doesn’t have those silly little hip wings that I hate so much. PacSun has clothing for men that runs small. And this website has some good tips.
Shoes is frustrating for a small dapper Q like myself. I don’t fit into men’s shoes so I’m limited to boys and women’s. This really is a bummer when it comes to anything outside of sneakers.
Gigi is in love with Micah so don’t start beggin me for digitz.