Sini Anderson’s a Brooklyn-based dapperQ who has just directed this tangy new book trailer (whu?) for Whipsmart by Melissa Febos. Once you think about it, the concept of book trailers makes perfect sense; but it can’t be a literal re-telling if it’s gonna grab me. Gotta bring art to the art if I’m gonna download it to my precious Kindle (which I am)!
I’m glad to count Sini as one of my friends, having watched her command crowds as a performer at the Michigan Women’s Music Fest over several years. She’s also been providing her savvy to how we will be rolling with dapperQ in the coming months – ncluding making sure that the site is welcoming to all comers including straight women. Admit it, you thought I was gonna say transmen.
The trailer is edited by one of the most stylish bio boys I know, Bo Mehrad. He’s pictured on the left (red tie) in this great photo by Bo turned me on to London-based Merc Suits two years ago so this summer I trotted down Saville Row and picked up a deep blue 44R blazer!
Last time we were at his house, I told my wife to fake a seizure so I can get in his closet and rip shit off.
Amazing DapQ! Thanks a lot.xx
Wonderful!! Big thanks, and yes, what a dapper duo Sini and Bo make, no?
Just started my day with this video. Forgot time. Transported me back so very many years. “Better in my pocket then in my blood”. ABSOLUTELY!!!
Keep it coming MM