Digital Timepieces are So 1996

The future is so freaking rad. Did you know they invented these tiny clocks that have gears and machinations so small, you can fit them on your wrist?  So you can walk around all day, and instead of calculating the sun’s angle, or asking the iPad-toting n00b next to you, know the EXACT TIME OF DAY IN YOUR EXACT LOCATION?  Mind. Boggling.

I tell you this with such excitement because, I was recently given one of these bad boys for my birthday.  And, once I got over the initial shock that so ingenious a piece of technology could exist, and the post-initial realization that I am so reliant on technology that I don’t know how to tell analog time,  something else popped into my mind: I liked this watch.  And this watch was purchased for me by my mother, out of the men’s department, for my birthday.

Now, nobody knows how big an accomplishment this is but you, my fellow dapperQs. It’s hard enough figuring out what I want to wear/feel comfortable in, let alone conveying that to my parents and family in a way that is understandable.  But here it was- a sign. A sign that my mother had listened, and, more importantly, had heard what I was telling her.  Even though it was “only a watch,” she still recognized what my style was, and what I felt comfortable wearing. So, folks, it can get better, bit by bit. Communication, openness, and honesty.  (And cupcakes don’t hurt either.)

Now that my heartfelt spiel is over, I’d also like to note that Lacoste makes a whole sleu of watches, all with different face sizes, bold colors, and sleek designs.  I’d check ’em out- a watch is a great way to spruce up a basic outfit, and add a bit of color and pizazz.

Did I just end this blog post with the word pizazz? Yes I did. Pizazz.

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  • Yes! Yes! Yes! A clear victory! My cousin told me, “You have to be patient when training the elderly, but they can learn.” You’ve proved it. Well done, Dana and well done, Dana’s Mom! I would stand and applaud but my hands are busy typing.

    Oh! And? Nice watch.

  • Dana,

    I seriously love your writing style. Mind. Boggling. Additionally, I told you that your watch rocks and I’m glad you shared your find with the rest of us. Smart. Fashion. WURK.

  • I want a cool watch like this! I’ve been watchless for too long and it still feels like a part of me is missing!

    My birthday is not that far off…just sayin’.

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