Resolve: Dapper Your Desk

I have desk envy! I’ll admit it. They hired a new employee at my organization and she has transformed her office, which is directly across from mine, from a space that once resembled a cardboard box with stadium lighting into a dapper pad swankier than the Pegu Club (one of Rachel Maddow’s self proclaimed favorite lounges). I feel like I should be greasing a doorman and paying a hefty cover to relax in my co-worker’s new digs. Beautiful artwork adorns her office walls. She ditched the fluorescent, overhead bug-zapper light bulbs and instead illuminates her office with green lighting; she installed warm, environmentally friendly bulbs in a hip lamp and strategically placed it to balance the natural light shimmering through her windows. Her office is organized; everything has a logical place in fun, eye-pleasing storage boxes and bins.  Soft, soothing jazz tunes stream from her office speakers to set the tone for her workday. Her desk displays a bounty of inviting, healthy snacks upon which she and others graze for extra energy.  Every detail is tied together by a decorative theme.

My co-worker is benefiting from her dapper office both personally and professionally. First, she actually looks relaxed in her office. Dappering your desk is a form of self-care in as much as it provides a psychologically comforting personal space. Second, her office paints a picture of the type of person she is: effective, efficient, stylish, confident, warm, thoughtful and inviting. Your business associates can infer correct and incorrect information about the type of person you are based on the condition of your workspace. What does your space say about you? Mine is saying something like “common, utterly forgettable employee who spends her free time knitting hideous sweaters and reading Cat Fancy,” all of which is untrue.

The stark contrast between my workspace and my co-worker’s office has made me realize that my work area, the area in which I spend the majority of my waking hours, is not a pleasant space. Here’s the biggest irony – I spend tons of time making sure that my work outfits are on point, while simultaneously sitting in a self-decorated environment that does not attest to my very own swag.  So, one of my goals for the next few weeks is to “dapper my desk.” Here are a few items that I have found thus far in my quest to upgrade my office.  Join me?
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  • It’s sad when I think about how much time we spend at work and often most of us are stuck in very sterile ordinary cubicles that give you cabin fever on a daily basis. I never even thought about going to this extent to customize my work space and create a comfortable environment. But, I love these ideas and now that I am about to settle into a job again, I am going all out fixing up my office! It would be simply amazing to have my own espresso machine at work!

  • Treat your workspace like your home. I’ve seen it. Comfortable and relaxed. Don’t let her out do you. If your fashion is on point Make sure your workspace reflects the same.

    Go For It!!!

  • I just wanted to add that you are a genius! 🙂 It literally took me 20 minutes to follow your advice and completely transform my workspace! I need to add a few more inexpensive details and this is going to be the best looking office at my work!

  • I also think your workspace should be a reflection of your style. This allows you to keep motivated throughout your day.

  • Oh lord, Pantone! What did you think a blog about decorating your office space is going to involve instead of stuff, a conversation about the emotional response to the intersectionality of desk decoration and gender, race, class, disability, and homophobia?

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