Dapper Queer Boxers from Let's Be Brief

Here at DapperQ, we get a lot of emails from people looking for sexy, fun underwear that they can wear with confidence and pride. So we caught up with Lindsay from letsbbrief to discuss her growing emporium of boxers and briefs.

When did you launch the company?
The Official launch was May 6, 2011. We had a huge party celebrating at DROM on the Lower East Side and were lucky enough to have All The Kings Men come down from Boston and perform for us. We also had Lez Van Stelton DJ the night away. It felt like my wedding, watching the year of hard work coming true and sharing it will all my friends, family and eager customers!

Who is your target audience and why?
I wanted to cater to individuals in the LGBTQ community that were more female-bodied and our female allies! I think it’s important to provide products and services for our community that meet our needs. There was a gap in the underwear market and I wanted to fill it with comfortable fun undies that everyone would want.

How is the company financed?
I have a personal investment in the company, as well as, a few outside investors. This is always the tricky part because you want to make sure you have enough funding to get you through the research and development phase, as well as, the time it takes to build your brand.

Where do you source/manufacturer your clothing?
It takes a team. Development is done through FYI First Taste in NYC. Sourcing and manufacturing were done through a company called Forever Yours Apparel in NYC. They utilized their factory partner in China to source materials and manufacture the product. Though outsourcing isn’t always the favorable option, as a small business owner I had to look at what I could afford to do to start my company. By manufacturing in China I’m able to make enough margin to build my business while being about to make donations to LGBTQ organizations offering our community support.

Who does the design?
I have a wonderful artist friend names Lina Maria Hoyos Obando who took my creative visions and translated them in her designs. I then learned about print design from a former underwear designer. We worked on a light table and rotated the images in ways that worked. It was an amazing learning process and I’m very excited with the end result.

What are the trends in briefs?
My specific customers want four styles of underwear; Boxer Briefs, Briefs, Hipsters and Thongs. Style, comfort and fit are the most important characteristics to my customers. They want to look and feel good in their underwear. Bright colors and patterns are really fun under your clothes. We wanted our images to really appeal to the LGBTQ customers so we created designs like “Toaster Heaven.” We all just get it….it’s funny….and it’s cute!

How’s the company going to far?
It’s been amazing! We were at Pride events in June and have been selling undies direct to customers through our online store at Letsbbrief.com. I get e-mails everyday thanking me for starting this company and it really warms my heart that people are so excited about an idea I put so much work into. Good underwear can make you feel more confident and sexy! Buying from a small business that’s lesbian-owned and operated and gives back to the LGBTQ community also makes the customer feel good about their purchase. I can’t wait to see our undies on more and more people!

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  • I find it interesting that you describe the undies as “butch” but Lindsay never describes them that way. I’m not butch, but I think the undies are cute – where do I fit in??

  • Point well taken, that word has been removed. I was lucky enough to have a volunteer put up the intro for that post and she used the word. dapperQ is an inclusive site that aspires to reach the broadest spectrum of our brethren (and beyond!) Keep reading and keeping us on target!!!

  • I find it interesting that so much word policing is happening in this community. So what if it said “butch undies”?? If you like them, buy them. If you don’t, stay away from them! For a community which prides itself on inclusiveness, I find it very problematic that censorship is so prevalent. It’s stifling and unappealing.

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