Ask dapperQ: Unique Wedding Rings?

A reader asks:

Any ideas for unique butch wedding bands? I’m trying to find something for my partner, but everything I’ve seen is either boring or tacky.

Fair question, considering options for engagement and wedding rings are yet another area where masculine presenting people get short changed. The wedding industry markets heavily to hetero-normative feminine audiences, and that is because we are groomed from the womb that “little girls” are to focus on finding a husband to avoid becoming an old maid and “little boys” are to focus on their careers and play the field as bachelors for as long as they can. Just compare the number of “women’s” wedding magazines to the number of “men’s” wedding magazines at your local newsstand and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

The lack of options doesn’t seem to bother some dapperQs who prefer a simple, no muss, no fuss band anyway. But, as we change the traditional definition of marriage from that of the cisgender female dragging a kicking and screaming cisgender male down the aisle, more masculine lesbians, gays, queers, trans, and straight folk are actively involved with the details of their nuptials and desiring engagement and wedding rings that are as beautiful as their partnerships and as dapper as their personal styles. Here are some unique options that you might not find at a Zales.



Ring 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


Ring 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


Ring 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


Ring 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

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  • I proposed with an elaborate date that ended with an engagement guitar (a Martin), and my now wife played it at our wedding. Her wedding band is her father’s. He stopped wearing it – he’s still happily married to her mom – because he’s just not a jewelry guy. I love that her choice of wedding band highlights her love of family and sentimental nature. I might just be the luckiest woman ever.

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