The 100 Most Stylish dapperQs

GQ regularly publishes a list of most stylish cis-men. Autostraddle recently posted their list of hot 100 girls who like girls. Vogue has their list of most stylish cis-women. So, isn’t it high time that some stylish dapperQs get some well deserved media recognition and visibility? Here is our list of the 100 most stylish dapperQs. (In no particular order; this is not a ranked list.) If you feel we’ve left someone off, suggest them in the comments section below to nominate them for next year’s list.

1. Sonny Oram
Founder and fashion blogger, Qwear
[Twitter; dapperQ feature]

Sonny Oram

Photo by Samantha Murray via Qwear

2. Kay Ulanday Barrett
Poet, performer, speaker, educator
[Website; dapperQ feature]

Kay_Ulanday_Barrett_03-480x480Photo by Sabelo Narasimhan

3. Blake Calhoun
Founder and fashion blogger, The Curvy Lesbian
[dapperQ feature]

Blake Calhoun via dapperQPhoto courtesy Blake Calhoun via dapperQ

4. Ellen DeGeneres
Comedian, television show host, actor
[Website; dapperQ’s How to Dress Like Ellen]

Ellen DeGeneres via PinterestPhoto via Ellen T.V. Pinterest

5. Rocco Katastrophe
Founder and writer, Original Plumbing
[Twitter; dapperQ feature]

Rocco Katastrophe SuitPhoto courtesy Rocco Katastrophe via dapperQ


6. Brittney Griner
WNBA professional basketball player
[WNBA player profile]

Brittney Griner via ESPNPhoto via ESPN

7. Rachel Maddow
Television show host, political commentator, author
[Blog; dapperQ style profile]

Maddow Collage 5_edited-1Image via dapperQ

8. Tiq Milan
Activist and writer
[Website; dapperQ feature]

Tiq-Milan-LevisPhoto by Vito Fun via dapperQ

9. LK Weiss
Founder and fashion blogger, Jack Tar 207
[Twitter; dapperQ feature]

LK_Weiss_1.1-682x1024Photo by TT Tappan via dapperQ

10. Zavé Martohardjono
Video artist, performer, community-minded curator
[Website; dapperQ feature]

ZavePhoto by Syd London via dapperQ

11. Allison Miller
Drummer, singer, composer
[Website; dapperQ interview]

Allison-Miller2Photo courtesy Allison Miller via dapperQ

12. Casey Legler
The first woman to be signed exclusively with Ford as a male model [Ford Models profile]

Casey LeglerPhoto via Chic, Gloria Kalil

13. Ryley Rubin Pogensky
Founder and writer, Queer Grub
[dapperQ feature]

RyleyPhoto by Katya Moorman via dapperQ

14. AD Hogan
Founder and writer, confessions of an ex-southern belle; Contributor, Qwear

AD Hogan largePhoto of Hogan, class president at Oberlin, by Nate Parsons

15. Hana Tojo
Private chef
[Twitter; dapperQ shoot] 917.325.9176Photo by Leslie Van Stelten via dapperQ

16. Ashley Faulkner, JD
[dapperQ shoot]

Ashley FaulknerPhoto by Sophie Spinelle via dapperQ

17. Kate Ross
Founder and designer, Distinguished Cravat
[Twitter; dapperQ style profile]

Kate Ross Collage 1_edited-1Image via dapperQ

18. Jenny Shimizu
[Website; dapperQ style profile]

Shimizu Icon 8Photo via Xaxor

19. J.D. Samson
Musician, songwriter, producer, and DJ, Le Tigre/MEN
[Soundcloud; dapperQ style profile]

jd-samson-vogue-2Photo via Vogue

20. Harmony Boucher
[Vogue style profile]

Harmony BoucherPhoto via Trend Land

21. DeAngela
Motivational speaker, author

DeAngelaPhoto via DeAngela

22. Whitney Day
DJ and event planner, Whitney Day Events

DJ Whitney Day in military inspired boots. Photo by Kevin Thomas GarciaPhoto by Kevin Thomas Garcia Photography

23. LGW
Founder and writer, The Test Shot
[Twitter; dapperQ interview]

LGW-Test-Shot-Suit1-666x1024Photo by Kit Ryall via The Test Shot

24. Nic Rathert
Marketing and special events,
[dapperQ shoot]

NicPhoto by Sophie Spinelle via dapperQ

25. Allex Knight
[dapperQ feature]

Allex KnightPhoto by Shaina Chin via dapperQ

26. K.D. Lang
Singer, songwriter
[Website; dapperQ style profile]

KD Lang Color Collage_edited-2Photo via dapperQ

27. Aden Hakimi
Editor, filmmaker, actor
[IMDb profile; dapperQ shoot]

Aden HPhoto by Bex Wade via dapperQ

28. Goldie Peacock
Genre-crossing, genderblending movement artist
[Website; dapperQ shoot]

Goldie Peacock IIPhoto by Yi Ching Lin via dapperQ

29. Erika Linder
[Next Models profile]

Erika Linder via Tomboy TailorsPhoto via Tomboy Tailors

30. Jess Y.
Ph.D. candidate, public health; Fitness blogger
[Website; dapperQ feature]

JessPhoto via dapperQ

31. Gina Mamone
President and CEO, Riot Grrrl Ink, the largest queer record label in the world
[Facebook; dapperQ shoot]

Gina Mamone IIPhoto by Grace Moon

32. Layshia Clarendon
WNBA professional basketball player
[WNBA profile]

layshia-clarendon-wnba-draft-2013Photo via More Than Stats

33. Kiyomi McCloskey
Reality t.v. star, Real L-Word; Front woman of rock band Hunter Valentine
[Website; dapperQ interview]

KM1Photo by Annie Frame via dapperQ

34. Ian Harvie
[Website; dapperQ style profile]

Ian Harvie 5Photo by Kevin Neales via dapperQ

35. B. Cole
Activist; Project Director, Founder, Brown Boi Project

B ColePhoto via Open Society Foundations

36. Tegan and Sara
Indie rock duo, Tegan and Sara
[Website; Twitter]

tegan-and-sara-2013Photo via Spinner

37. Jesse Crozier
Fashion industry writer and consultant, Outlier
[Posture Magazine interview]

Autosave-File vom d-lab2/3 der AgfaPhoto GmbHPhoto by Gizelle Peters via Posture Magazine

38. Adrien A. Weibgen
Extended cast member, The Peculiar Kind
[About Me profile; dapperQ interview]

AdrienPhoto by Candice Comisi via dapperQ

39. Sabelo Narasimhan
Activist; Fellow, All Out
[Twitter; dapperQ shoot]

Sabelo_DapperQ_2012_by_Syd_London_webready-6959Photo by Syd London via dapperQ

40. T. Sweatt
Model, dapperQ/Jack Tar 207
[dapperQ style profile]

6.1Photo by Jack Tar 207 via dapperQ

41. Johnell Lawrence
Violinist and violist; Owner, Lawrence String Organization
[Twitter; dapperQ style profile]

Johnell Lawrence Day 7Photo by Matthew Andris via dapperQ

42. Lucas Silveira
Front-man and songwriter, The Clicks
[Twitter; dapperQ interview]

Lucas Silveira by David-HawePhoto by David Hawe via dapperQ

43. Dani Campbell
Reality t.v. star, A Shot of Love with Tila Tequila

Dani CampbellPhoto via Curve magazine

44. Sinclair Sexsmith
Writer, educator, coach; Producer, Sugarbutch Chronicles
[Website; dapperQ photo shoot]

Sinclair SexsmithPhoto by Jahn Hall via dapperQ

45. Daniela Sea

The L Word - Season 4Photo via Ha! Tea n’ Danger

46. Katherine Moennig
[IMDb profile; dapperQ style profile]

Katherine Moennig via WildfangPhoto via Wildfang

47. McKenzie
Co-founder and writer, Queer B.O.I.S.
[Twitter; dapperQ interview]

McKenziePhoto via Queer B.O.I.S.

48. Soull Ogunmoyin
Co-founder, L’Enchanteur
[dapperQ interview]

Soul of LEnchanteurPhoto courtesy L’Enchanteur

49. Kade
Contributor, Autostraddle; Founder and writer, Trashy Dyke

KadePhoto via Trashy Dyke

50. S.F.
Manager of Institutional Development, GMHC, the world’s first and leading provider of HIV/AIDS prevention, care and advocacy
[Twitter; dapperQ style profile]

S.F.Photo by Anita Dolce Vita via dapperQ

51. Sebastian Flowers
Creative Director, bklyn boihood; DJ, Founder, Km.T; Tattoo artist; Resident Gourmet Chef, dapperQ
[Website; dapperQ shoot]

Sebastian FlowersPhoto by Bex Wade via dapperQ

52. Ariel Speedwagon
Performance artist; Contributor, dapperQ
[Website; dapperQ shoot]

Ariel Letterman's JacketPhoto by Jahn Hall via dapperQ

53. Hannah Blilie
Drummer, Gossip

Hannah BliliePhoto via Pinterest

54. Leslie Van Stelten
DJ and Photographer

Leslie Van SteltenPhoto by Leslie Van Stelten

55. Shereen Jenkins
[Youtube; dapperQ style profile]

Shereen Jenkins 1Photo courtesy Shereen Jenkins via dapperQ

56. Rachel Rudy
Brooklyn fashionisto
[Twitter; dapperQ shoot]

Rachel RudyPhoto by Bex Wade via dapperQ

57. Drae Campbell
Actor, writer, performer
[Website; dapperQ style profile]

Drae CampbellPhoto by Eva H. via dapperQ

58. Lea Robinson
Performer; Assistant Director at an Ivy League
[Website; dapperQ video]

Lea RobinsonPhoto by Katya Moorman via dapperQ

59. Dr. Jama Shelton
Activist; Director, True Colors Fund
[Huffington Post profile; dapperQ shoot]

Jama SheltonPhoto by Maro Hagopian via dapperQ

60. Kit Yan
[Website; dapperQ shoot]

Kit YanPhoto by Yann Feron via dapperQ

61. Mary Going
Founder, Saint Harridan clothier

Mary GoingPhoto via Saint Harridan

62. Majestic Legay
Writer, Glitter Politic

Majestic LegayPhoto via hey, fat chick!

63. Janelle Monae
Musician, composer, producer

ZAEH_MONAE_SHOT4-41Photo via Campus Times

64. Jules Parsley
Co-founder, Wildfang

Emma McIlroyPhoto via Wildfang

65. Jo Collura
DJ and Emcee
[Soundcloud; dapperQ shoot]

Avg JoPhoto by Gizelle Peters


66. Ryan Li Dahlstrom
Movement Building Director, Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training; Board Member CUAV; Board Member at Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice
[Twitter; dapperQ shoot]

RyanPhoto by Sophie Spinelle via dapperQ

67. Alyssa Asomani
Co-founder and Editor-in-Chief, Stud Magazine
[Twitter; dapperQ interview]

Stud Magazine 2Photo by Vanessa Badu

68. Mojo Juju
[Website; dapperQ interview]

Mojo JuJuPhoto courtesy Mojo Juju

69. Genesis Tramaine and Ryann Makenzi Holmes
Co-founders, bklyn boihood
[Website; dapperQ shoot]

BKLYN BoihoodPhoto by Maro Hagopian via dapperQ

70. Lillian Rosenthal
MBA Candidate ’15 University of Rochester | Simon School of Business; Squash player; Opera devotee

LilPhoto courtesy Lillian Rosenthal

71. Katherine Miller
Research Assistant, Center for American Progress; Board member, OutServe
[Twitter; dapperQ interview]

Katie Miller IIPhoto via OUT magazine

72. Zel Anders
CEO and founder, Tomboy Tailors

Zel AndersPhoto via San Francisco Small Business Week

73. Kelly Lewis
Model, Saint Harridan
[dapperQ shoot]

Kelly LewisPhoto by Sophie Spinelle via dapperQ


74. The Autostraddle A-Campers
Because, even in the woods, they’re dapper!
[About A-Camp; Autostraddle website]

AutostraddleAutostraddle writer; poet; filmmaker Gabrielle Rivera (left)
Autostraddle writer; First Lady of PHRESH CUTZ, Katrina Casiño (right)

75. Mila Polyak
DJ and model
[Soundcloud; dapperQ shoot]

Mila PolyakPhoto by Daniel Kim

76. Ricky Hill
Instructor and researcher, University of New Mexico
[Blog; dapperQ style profile]

L4 smirkPhoto by Cameron Gay via dapperQ

77. Taijhet Nyobi
Educator, poet, actor
[dapperQ shoot]

Taijhet NyobiPhoto by Sophie Spinelle via dapperQ

78. Bianca Kosoy
Executive Creative Director, Equinox fitness clubs
[Website; dapperQ news]

Bianka KosoyPhoto via PMc Magazine

79. Shana Natelson
Producer, writer and actor, Speak About It
[Twitter; dapperQ style profile]

ShanaPhoto by Jack Tar 207 via dapperQ

80. Dr. Kortney Ryan Ziegler
Indie scholar, artist, and entrepreneur; Writer and director of STILL BLACK: A Portrait of Black Transmen
[Website; dapperQ style profile]

Ryan ZieglerPhoto courtesy Dr. Ziegler via dapperQ

81. Talya Neginsky
Operations Coordinator, Whitney Day Events
[Website; dapperQ shoot]

TalyaPhoto by Katya Moorman via dapperQ

82. Amos Mac
Co-founder, Original Plumbing
[Twitter; dapperQ shoot] 917.325.9176Photo by Leslie Van Stelten via dapperQ

83. Samantha Ronson
DJ, singer, song-writer
[Website; dapperQ style profile]

Samron icon4Photo via AfterEllen

84. Murray Hill
[Website; dapperQ style profile]

Murray Hill Collage 1Photo via dapperQ

85. Mimi
Medical student, fashionisto
[Blog; dapperQ style profile]

MimiPhoto courtesy Mimi via dapperQ

86. Kai M. Green
Filmmaker and spoken word poet
[Film; dapperQ style profile]

Kai Green4Photo courtesy Kai M. Green via dapperQ

87. Matthew Jacobs
Account Executive, Yelp
[dapperQ shoot]

Jae JacobsPhoto by Sophie Spinelle via dapperQ

88. YK Hong
Trainer, speaker, writer, artist; Designer, Grit Gear
[Website; dapperQ interview]

YK HongPhoto courtesy YK Hong via dapperQ

89. Kirsten Coe
Co-founder and designer, Cotton Bow Tie Co.
[Blog; dapperQ interview]

Kristen Bow Tie CoPhoto courtesy Kristen Coe via dapperQ

90. Eddie Maisonet
[dapperQ style profile]

Eddie MPhoto by Dino Rowan Traite via dapperQ

91. Anna Barsan
Filmmaker; Co-producer, SIGNIFIED
[Films; dapperQ style profile]

Anna3Photo by Blake Barsan

92. Syd tha Kyd
Singer, producer, DJ
[Peculiar Kind Artist Spotlight; dapperQ style profile]

Syd-tha-Kid-Collage_edited-11Image via dapperQ

93. Isadora Gouldberg
Owner and licensed massage therapist, Muscle and Bone PDX

dapperq-37Photo via Wildfang

94. Lee
Cast member, The Peculiar Kind
[Peculiar Kind bio]

LeePhoto via The Peculiar Kind

95. Elly Jackson
Singer and songwriter, La Roux

Elly Jackson La RouxPhoto via Pinterest


96. Dashiell Lippman
Sales Director, Yelp
[dapperQ shoot]

Dashiell LippmanPhoto by Sophie Spinelle via dapperQ

97. Crystal González-Alé
Co-founder and designer, Marimacho
[Twitter; dapperQ interview]

CrystalPhoto by Katya Moorman via dapperQ

98. Rae Tutera
Founder and writer, The Handsome Butch
[Twitter; dapperQ articles]

Rae 2Photo courtesy Rae Tutera

99. Jamie
Co-founder and writer, The Test Shot
[Twitter; dapperQ interview]

The-Test-ShotImage courtesy The Test Shot via dapperQ

100. Dynasty Ogunmoyin
Co-founder, L’Enchanteur
[dapperQ interview]

Dynasty-IIPhoto via L’Enchanteur

101. (So we’re not accused of nepotism) Susan Herr
Founder, dapperQ


Susan Herr


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