Reinventing the Denim Vest & Jacket

I always keep an eye on what our past dapperQ models are wearing. Recently we found this fire look on Insta featuring unique denim work.

Anonymous model in custom-made denim vest by Ciara Banks

The creative mind behind the vest is designer Ciara Banks, who shared more about the design inspiration and creative process with dapperQ:

“I first found inspiration for my work from seeing the denim vest/jacket trend starting to resurface earlier this year.  What I noticed was that while denim was becoming more popular, everything looked the same.  What I bring to the table is a custom look for each individual.  I started making denim vests for friends.  I used a combination of characteristics of their personality along with a touch of their personal style to create each piece.  No one garment is duplicated, making everyone feel that while they are up to date with the latest trend; they are an individual with a unique piece of original work.  The garments are a mixture of old and new materials.  Old denim jackets paired with colorful themed fabrics to give it a new age vintage look, all sewn by hand.”

Vests run about $85-125. Not bad considering a mass produced Levi’s denim vest will run you about the same. Only, with a Ciara creation, you can have a one-of-a-kind piece in your closet that works for all seasons.

To order a vest, contact Ciara at: [email protected]

You can also follow Ciara on Twitter: @g00dl00kin

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