You Need Relationship Help! Send Us Your Qs!!!

*Feature image via Dykes In The City (DITC)

Relationships are not easy for us dapperQs! I mean, how do you make a standout profile on O-Gay-Cupid? Or, is online dating even for you? How do you date when you’re sober? And, what about navigating poly relationships?

Relationship Advicevia Functional Femme

Whether you want help putting together an outfit to meet your future in-laws or are currently overdosing on reality t.v. because your heart is broken from a recent break-up, Robin Cloud, one of your fellow dapperQs, is here to lend and ear and some advice. Take what you need and leave the rest. Send us your questions to: [email protected]



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1 Comment

  • Hi..ive been in a rekationship with this girl for a year. although i do love her, we never get a chance to talk or see each other…this is because of her parents being the complete orthodox kind and got angry at her for using her mobile alot. so we never get to talk..but only rarely when she flicks her moms phone. we’re both 18..and now we’re trying long distance because ive joined college. and to be frank…there is this one girl who seems very nice and likes me in my class..we study together. And i feel happy to be around her too.
    my mind is really confused cause i dont know wether to hang on to this girl im dating or be with the one in my class instead? but the probability of having a future is only with the girl im dating at the present.
    i hope you understand my problem and that you help me out. thank you.

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