Hi Femme! Dasha Guyton

Welcome back to Hi Femme!, dapperQ’s sibling visibility project celebrating the incredible contributions that stylish femmes make to the queer fashion landscape. For this edition, we’re featuring, Dasha Guyton, an award winning Lifestyle Blogger and Wardrobe Stylist based in Hyde Park, Chicago. Her blog, Windy City Wardrobe, helps people curate experiences and a wardrobe they love. Dāsha has worked with esteemed brands such as Rainbow Push Coalition, Chevrolet, Dillard’s, Carol’s Daughter and was recently featured by Teen Vogue. She currently sits on the board of Ambassadors for Chicago Woman Magazine and contributes to Modest Truth Mag. When not working, she can usually be found trying to catch up on Steven Universe or making her way through a stack of unread comic books and magazines.

Hi Femme!: Can you talk a bit about how you define queer femme style and what makes it transgressive?

Dasha Guyton: Queer Femme style is all about reclaiming femininity and challenging the boundaries placed on us by the patriarchy and mainstream media. As femmes, we are often presumed to be straight by the outside world and dismissed as not queer enough in our own spaces. Femme style completely transgressive because it’s genderless and has no sexual orientation.

Hi Femme!: How would you describe your personal style?

Dasha Guyton: I dress to express my mood so my personal style tends to run the gamut, but no matter what it’s always colorful. I’m a sucker for unique handbags, modern versions of vintage dresses, fedoras, and floral prints mixed with stripes. Currently, my wardrobe is dominated by princess cut dresses, tunics, and pixie pants. I’ve most recently become obsessed with velvet and embroidered boots. Until a few years ago my personal style and identity continuously shifted between the spectrum of stud, stem and femme, but I finally stopped dressing just to push against the patriarchy or to please people in my life. Now I dress to make me happy, but I’ll always be grateful for those shifts because they helped me develop a keen eye for styling which led me to start a blog and eventually a styling business. Expressing my femme identity each day feels synonymously liberating and oppressive because I can’t help but notice those who treated me with respect when I expressed my masculine side now treat me as though I’m incompetent and fragile as I express myself as a femme.

Hi Femme!: Who are your fashion icon(s)?

Dasha Guyton: These days I look to Sara Jane Adams, Solange, Iris Apfel, and Raven Symone for fashion inspiration which is why it’s hard to believe there was ever a time that I didn’t identify as femme, but I assure you my style has evolved countless times over the years.

Hi Femme!: What item in your style arsenal can you not live without?

Dasha Guyton: There’s no way I could ever give up my vintage handbags or matte lipsticks.

Want more Dasha? Follow on:






Photo Credits
Image of multiple handbags & embroidered boots by www.levinemoorephoto.com

All other images by thedeependreview.com



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  • This feature just made my day! Words cannot even begin to express how grateful I am that you’ve created this femme friendly fashion space. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

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