Hi Femme: Ivanka Dekoning

Welcome back to Hi Femme!, dapperQ’s sibling visibility project celebrating the incredible contributions that stylish femmes make to queer fashion. This edition, we’re featuring Ivanka Dekoning, a fashion/Queer Femme Influencer, Saks Fifth Avenue’s Advanced Designer Buyer, podcastor, and LGBTQ+ activist.

dapperQ: Can you talk a bit about how you define queer femme style and what makes it transgressive?

Ivanka: I define queer femme as an aesthetic that expresses feminine principles while simultaneously embracing diverse sexual and gender non-binary identities. It’s transgressive as it removes style limitations. For the marginalized amongst the queer community, this style evokes bravery and confidence redefining social norms.


dapperQ: How would you describe your personal style?

Ivanka: I consider my style somewhat gender-bending. I enjoy wearing masculine trousers with sexy crop tops or heels and oversized, boxy blazers. Very modern, sophisticated with a touch of edge.

dapperQ: Who are your fashion icon(s)?

Ivanka: Victoria Beckham and Janelle Monae.

dapperQ: What item in your style arsenal can you not live without?

Ivanka: A black, over-sized boxy blazer. I own approximately five variations… and not including my fiancé’s!

Photos by Victoria Matthews. For more of Ivanka’s style, follow on Instagram @ivanka.dekoning

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