John Bartlett Does DapperQ Fashion

20100212_jennyshimizu_bartlett_dailyJohn Bartlett is known as a “men’s designer” these days, but in his latest show for fashion week he closed with everyone’s favorite Angelina-ex, Jenny Shimizu. Barltett told Fashion Week Daily, “I closed the show with Jenny Shimizu, who’s really a muse for me. I love her style. I love what she’s about. She depicts the kind of woman that I am dressing. It’s no frills, no high heels, no beading, no ruffles. That is my motto.”

Bartlett is said to be returning to women’s fashion after years of focusing on the boys. We can all hope the style will be similar to the men’s fashion line that epitomizes the old version of gentlemen with a touch of modern flair. All the while tailored to what Matthew Schneier of describes as, “women older than 17, (with) waist sizes thicker than 23 inches.”

Photo above by Marcio Madeira, Photo to the right by Emily Shur.

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