dapperQ Walks In To a Bakery in Small Town America…

dapperQ walks in to a bakery in small town America.  What happens next?

I’m inviting a handful of brethren I’ve met through dapperQ.com and dapperQ’s nascent Twitterverse to answer that question from personal experience.  (Please feel free to send your own to respond to that question to [email protected] — hopefully with your photo — so we can publish all or part of it.)

In addition to learning what pastries you like best, it is intended as a way to capture individual perspectives on how dapperQ’s present in the world, how we feel about how we present, and the ways we believe others see us.  Big differentials I’m eager to hear about?  Differing areas of the country/world, race, size, age.  Tying them all together are the ways in which our fashion (to include clothes, hair, scent, tats, manners, etc.) plays in to our perceptions of “their” perceptions.

I’ll go first.

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