dapperQ TV – What Would Ellen Do?

Finally, our first street fashion video shot outside of NYC by one of our volunteer correspondents — Ty Greenstein of Girlyman! It’s always a blast for me to watch these videos with lesbians for whom dapperQ’s are the “target demographic,” because they gush and gurgle over all the cuteness of a dyke like our subject, Paula, who went to college with Ty and now lives in Chicago.

Paula shares her stepmom’s cogent take on our sartorial dilemmas with her question: “WWED — What Would Ellen Do?”

Certainly that question communicates some of what dapperQs are trying to achieve, or at least what the world assumes we might be trying to achieve.  But, alas, the devil is in the details, and for those details we have had precious little guidance.  Fortunately, folks like Paula are thoughtful about our unique challenges and offer several pearls of wisdom.  Like Ty, who is pictured donning a tie in the boy’s department with Genevieve at Macy’s, Paula is on the small side, “5’3″, 110 pounds after a pizza.” Both struggle with the fact that even men’s extra smalls are enormous.

Because she recognizes that fit is essential, she finds women’s shirts that don’t have darts (she’ll explain.) She also does a lot of layering. And she has found that, if you toss into your outfit something that is “girly” like sparkly buttons, it actually makes your outfit more boyish.

The challenge of boy-sized dapperQs is one with which I have no experience. Wondering what advice folks can offer? Have you shopped in the boys department? Are there certain brands that are hip but that might fit? Dish, daps, dish…

P.S. Thanks to Candice who did an absolutely terrific – also volunteer – job of editing this video into a fun piece

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  • I love this video. Some real advice, the look wasn’t super expensive, and there was some eye candy 😛

  • So cute! And just think of how much better the world would be if we all followed the WWED philosophy.

  • I like what she says about one slightly girly item actually butching up an outfit, or maybe queering it up is a better way to put it. Also, love her shirt. Rock on.

  • I shop in the boy’s department all the time. I really like the kid’s line at H&M. Forever 21 also just started carrying kid’s, which is exciting!

  • Two lines that run boyishly small in their XS sizes: TopMan and Brooklyn Industries.

    At TopMan, they carry dress shirts with small necks, sleeves that are the right length, and are cut narrow in the body. At Brooklyn Industries, they carry sport coats/ blazers that have narrow shoulders and are the right length at the bottom.

    I look forward to hearing where others have had boy-sized successes in NY/ Brooklyn.

  • “Darts are for girls, and I don’t want darts.” If I had a dollar for every person I’ve said this to… I also believe in sporting one feminine item. In a masculine ensemble, I think that’s what often highlights the dapperness/swagger feel, like a pinch of salt in something sweet.

    Thanks for a great video.

  • Oh my god, I think I’m in love. Seriously, though, this video was amazing. Humorous, intelligent, obviously great style–just a fabulous combination.

  • First, I absolutely love the outfit she is wearing. WURK. Second, I definitely dress with a more feminine flare. Yet, this video was so informative because I feel that darting can make an outfit look “too busy” and take away from the cleanliness of the ensemble. Thanks.

  • I just found this website and I am in heaven! I’ll have to check out Lucky jeans, I always have the hardest time finding jeans that don’t fit me like a girl.

    Some of my favorite stores, that were not previously mentioned that I like to shop at, considering a men’s xs leaves a bit more room to be desired forcing me to the kids section of the store are; Abercrombie, J. Crew boys, 77kids (if you’re lucky they have the cutest vests, and their polos fit great), Target’s boy’s section is great too.

  • LOVE. I agree about the darts. Plus, most womens’ shirts aren’t really meant to be tucked in, so they aren’t long enough and don’t have the shaping at the bottom to *stay* tucked in if you do.

    I’m fortunate enough to fit an Express Men’s XS Fitted perfectly with no alteration, but as I’m not exactly rolling in the dough right now, most of my button-downs are thrifted and altered. It’s tempting to just get a good pattern and make my own…

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