Distressed Boots from BKLYN’s Bed/Stu

Visiting a great site men’s fashion site called Valet, I came across Bed/Stu, a company that was launched “with the purpose of creating footwear inspired by the tough and resilient streets of Bed Stuy, Brooklyn.”

Not surprisingly, their oft-distressed styles are terrific for gender benders as well as going great with your favorite pit bull. Only a few of their men’s boots, like the Manuever , are offered on the site in a Size 7. If your hoofs are a bit larger, consider the System, pictured right.

In women’s styles, I’m loving the Silva pictured with skirts and the texture of tights:

I’m putting together a preview of boots for the Fall and would love to hear about your favorite standbys as well as lesser-known brands like Bed/Stu which offer a fresh take on classic combat.

I’d also love photos ([email protected]) from anyone who is sporting boots with heavy shorts or skirts and Ragg socks for Fall cuz your old pal dapperQ loves some juxtapositions.

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  • Looking forward to the article on boots. As a soft butch I find it hard to find a really good happy-medium between men’s and women’s styles.

  • Ok, so it’s December,and I’m only now getting to this. Fiorentini and Baker. I’m not prepared to drop the bucks, but I’ve tried them on. Oh yes.
    Love the Bed/Stu, but I haven’t tried them on yet. Fit. Fit. Fit is the thing.
    Here’s a link to Fiorentini and Baker:

    There’s a great shoe store on 7th Avenue around 5th Street (? Not sure) called Eric. The store and the man (Eric himself) carry shoes for DapperQs. You don’t have to wade through feminized versions of what you really want.

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