Ceramic Ties by Cor Sine Labe Doli

Boy oh boy do I have something that will knock the socks off all you tie aficionados. Check out the Cor Sine Labe Doli line of ceramic bow-ties and neckties with ceramic knots that I recently came across.

Made in the Italian town of Marostica, the ceramic pieces are double and sometimes triple cooked; bow-tie ribbons are hand sewed by Italian tailors.


Cor Sine Labe Doli brings new life to neckwear, creating head turning, conversation starting pieces that are old-fashioned dandy meets modern avant-garde.

Prices range from $175 to $350.  To purchase, visit Opening Ceremony or Antonioli.


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  • Love the concept. Recently came across another brand – YOJO LIMITED – that it’s equally inspiring and offers pretty much the same range with ceramics as signature. Well done to both of them… they are really rocking the ride of re-conceptualizing the old neckties whilst holding on the style and traditions of the object itself.

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