Watch This Wednesdays: Outtakes from the DYDH Productions Fashion Shoots

DYDH produced a series of androgynous style editorials exclusively for dapperQ. We are looking back at some outtakes from DYDH's brilliant shoots.

Die Young Die Happy Productions (DYDH) is a production company specializing in the production, artistic direction, and styling of fashion shows and photo/video shoots while strengthening their clients’ branding. DYDH was founded in January 2012 by Danik Yopp and Dina Habib- enfants terribles of Montreal’s Fashion scene. Their unconventional approach to styling, directing and producing has earned them fast recognition and many accolades among their peers. DYDH recently shot a series of four exclusive androgynous style editorials featuring designers from Canada to Italy. You can find the first three editorials here. But, in the meantime, dapperQ is looking back at some of the outtakes from their brilliant shoots. Stay tuned next week for the final editorial of the series, only on dapperQ:


DapperQ BTS from DYDHProductions on Vimeo.


DYDH 411

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