Fashion Icon Stacy London Posts Instagram Pic with Hot Butch Girlfriend

Uh, so I thought our Instaglammy roundup was going to be the last post of 2019. The last of the decade. Our finale to our 10 year anniversary. That is, until I woke up and saw that Stacy London, style icon and fashion editor most popular for co-hosting What Not to Wear, posted this on the Gram:



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NOT THAT IT’S ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS BUT… I may as well address all the stuff I hear floating around out there. 2019 has been a crazy year for lots of reasons. This 1st year of coping with grief and a lot of unforeseen health issues was, at times, such a truly dark place to be. But as with most of life, there has been such incredible joy as well and the person most responsible for that is @catyezbak, who is my girlfriend and has been for over a year. Some of you may have guessed that already. All my friends and family know her well. I haven’t paraded her around on social media for several reasons: 1) I’ve had public relationships before and I don’t love that. But I want to be clear here that with Cat I felt I owed us the chance to be private since this is my first serious relationship with a woman and I’m sure there will be some hoo ha about that. But I would never hide her out of shame. 2.) It’s really easy for me, a privileged white woman who is 50, to suddenly say “I’m dating a woman” with very few repercussions and I am well aware of that. Unlike me, there are countless people in the LGBTQIAP community who have had no choice in who they are, no love from family on which to lean, no support from anyone anywhere. I fell in love, truly in love, with this beautiful, sexy, kind soul and I won’t apologize for that but I stand on the shoulders of a community that fought like hell for me to be able to do that openly and proudly and EASILY. It’s one thing to SAY Love is Love. It’s another thing to say Love is Passion and Devotion and Sex and mean it without shame or prejudice when talking about the same sex. So I used to date men. Now I date her. That’s it. That’s all I have to say. Happy New Year to each and every one of you. I am wishing you the best of everything this coming year. Bring it 2020. Let’s go. (AND ALSO: any awful comments will be deleted immediately. My account will not tolerate hate of any kind.)

A post shared by stacylondonreal (@stacylondonreal) on

I fell in love, truly in love, with this beautiful, sexy, kind soul and I won’t apologize for that but I stand on the shoulders of a community that fought like hell for me to be able to do that openly and proudly and EASILY. It’s one thing to SAY Love is Love. It’s another thing to say Love is Passion and Devotion and Sex and mean it without shame or prejudice when talking about the same sex. So I used to date men. Now I date her. That’s it. That’s all I have to say.


Aaaaand, I’m dead. Because, Stacy has always shaped my  personal femme style. (I’ve never fit neatly into the queer-normative hipster femme archetype.) To find out she’s also queer too AND has a dapper girlfriend just really made my New Year’s Eve. Queer fashion takeover 2020!


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