dapperQs Were Born Outside the Box

If you have made your way to dapperQ you are, by definition, an explorer.  I’ll bet you were born coloring outside the lines.  You understand at some very essential level that it is both a responsibility and a privilege to express your unique sense of self.  If you don’t do it, who will?

Fashion is simply one more way we fight the good fight.  It’s one more way we manifest ourselves with purpose in the world.

dapperQ is for anyone who wants to make any element of men’s fashion truly their own. It’s for all who have been discouraged — in a million and one subtle and not-so-subtle ways — from gleaning for self-expression from the rich and robust universe pioneered over centuries by dapper gents and today reflected in glossies such as GQ, Details and Vogue for Men.  In the voice of dapperQ’s founder,

For us, fashion is not seen as an end. It is, instead, a means to expressing our ever-evolving capacity to advance change in a world that sorely needs it. It is intended not only as information but as inspiration for those of us simply dressing to fight the good fight each day.

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  • Hooray! hooray! you’re doing it! I’m recommending this site all over the place you know.

  • So what? I’m 50. You don’t think older Butches like fashion or to look stylin’? It’s not just for the young. I like the almost Indiana Jones style you’re sporting(did that in a fantasy once onstage!). Anyhow, I love your premise, and that it’s for ALL TYPES of Butches, not just a certain skinny mini 20/30 something type.

    It’s been so hard to get our images out in an authentic way without all the real gritty Butchness brushed out into some kind of safe andro image(a la the L Word).

    Here’s one style not mentioned. I’m not a big wearing the suit type. In fact I don’t even own a suit, instead for a formal event I’ll wear a vest, button down oxford, tie and Ben Davis/men’s dress pants and boots….but as a construction worker I like the work clothes aesthetic. Carhartts, flannel, or carharrt button down shirts, my warm zip up quilted Carharrt vest and jeans, ect. I’m big on flannel hearkening back to our old dyke style, but more with a Butch twist. Sometimes it’ll be my leather vest, sometimes my Carhartt or reversible Harley vest that is also warm and quilted, one side camoflage, one side black nylon and resistant to rain.

    I call this my Daddy Bear style, and even have a group dedicated to us DykeBears, which is also size affirmative for us big, burly Butch DykeBear types. More the working class/construction worker look and icon, and if you think of the Village People, I actually like to embody three of the Village People archetypes, the Leather Butch, the Construction Worker Butch, and the Butch in Uniforms! As Dyke DaddyBear, that can actually incorporate all three. As a construction worker, the suit and tie thing sometimes reminds me too much of ‘the man in power’ who has say so over us all..or as we refer to them, ‘the suits’, who make us always go in through the service entrance, and never the main door, to get to our jobs…

    So think of us DykeBears too as another form of expression!

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