“Scandal” Character Is My Muse

*Feature image via Georgia’s Peach.

If you’ve seen “Scandal”, you’ve seen Harrison Wright: the ultimate power clasher. He’s big on checks, lavender and patterns that collide in a dance that makes me dizzy.  He’s also my sartorial role model.

scandal-3-2-harrisonvia Jimmy

I’m heading back in to the workaday world after years of working from home.  And with confidence borne of the community I have found through dapperQ, I’ll be doing it in suits and ties.  Not just any suits and ties but selections that would make Harrison proud.

I’m not interested in passing as a man, even though everything I wear (except the bra) comes from the men’s department.  That’s why I’m digging on pink striped shirts and paisleys of every hue.  I’m not grandstanding when I say I want to be like nothing anyone in the corporate world has ever seen.  But it’s true.  I’m ready to lead with my genderqueer.

Susan Herr Vito FunPhoto by Vito Fun

And, that’s where Harrison comes in.  He’s masculine, but he’s not afraid of color.  He’s corporate, but he’s not traditional.  He is willing to stand out.  He’s just doing him.  That’s what I wanna do.




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  • Hey Susan!

    I think that you have picked a great role model for your fashion. The character Harrison is always well dressed, as many of the characters on Scandal are. What are you top looks for Harrison. Everything generally fits him well. As a person that loves suspenders, I think that they are a great way to make an outfit “POP”.

    Thanks for sharing your best Harrison look!

  • I can’t agree with you more about the suspenders. I just bought a pair that has big purple checks which I laid over a more neutral purple paisley shirt. Wore it to dinner and the “target demographics” were VERY complimentary. I’ve been a little reticent about suspenders because of fear that might accentuate the boobage. But I think the “pop” pay-off makes it worth it. Thanks for commenting!

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