Hi Femme! Fridays: Girl on Girl Documentary Screening Promises Food, Family, Friends, Fun, and Femmes This Sunday!

dapperQ and our sibling project Hi Femme! are proud to sponsor the highly anticipated premier of Girl on Girl, a feature documentary about lesbian (in)visibility that will premiere in New York City at the Downtown Community Television Center (DCTV) this Sunday, Dec 11, to an audience of over 120 LGBTQ women and community allies, including an array of LGBTQ press. dapperQ and Hi Femme! owner Anita Dolce Vita will be hosting the event, opening with a few words about why Hi Femme! was launched to provide much needed femme visibility and introduce Girl on Girl, which delves into femme (in)visibility in an impactful way that is sure to shape how society views queer identity for generations to come.


Girl on Girl – Official Trailer from Jodi Savitz on Vimeo.


*** VIP GIFT BAGS for the first 100 Tickets Sold!
Feat. loot from THINX, Higher DOSE, Life:Curated and more!!! ***

TICKETS — $30 — www.girlongirlnyc.eventbrite.com

Includes all night — OPEN BAR —
by The Brooklyn Brewery and Altaneve Prosecco
and vodka cocktail & — Deluxe Hors D’Oeuvres — by Chef Ro Pacheco!

6:30 Pre-Reception
7:00 Screening
8:45 Talk-Back w. Cast and Director, Jodi Savitz
Hosted by Anita Dolce Vita of dapperQ and Hi Femme!
9:15 Post- Reception w. sounds by DJ AVG JO – Jo Collura

Limited Seating – This event will SELL OUT – Get your ticket today!

Downtown Community Television Center
87 Lafayette St # 3
New York, NY 10013

Jodi Savitz
Emily Hall Smith
CB Glasser
Anita Dolce Vita
Sheis GirlonGirl (Girl on Girl Media)
Hot Rabbit

Girl on Girl is a groundbreaking film in the LGBTQ and documentary film genres that highlights the emotional consequences of feminine lesbian invisibility— the phenomenon that, due to their feminine or “passing” appearance, countless LGBTQ women are rendered invisible and assumed to be straight by the outside world and to each other. This concept has heretofore been widely overlooked in LGBTQ media. The cast is made up of seven women who challenge assumptions of what society imagines a lesbian to look like and offer fundamentally different narratives of how invisibility has impacted their lives. Each story intimately reveals that coming out on a daily basis is a repetitive act, not a one-time proclamation. The film’s cast features ‘celesbian’ Lauren
Bedford Russell (The Real L Word: Season 3), along with several other women from around the country, including New York, Florida, Utah, and North Carolina It recently played at the Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, St. Louis International Film Festival, and will soon play in Sydney, at Australia’s Mardi Gras Film Festival.

Girl on Girl is unique because of its overwhelming social media success. The Girl on Girl Facebook
community is made up of nearly 440,000 fans, of which 86% are women, and its posts ORGANICALLY engage millions of LGBTQ women and allies worldwide. Girl on Girl proves its worth to the LGBTQ community on a daily basis. Recognized by lesbians internationally, the documentary has been generating buzz for nearly three year ahead of its release. Fans of the film actively engage with the Facebook page moderators
and each other. Girl on Girl is produced and directed by Brooklyn-based filmmaker, Jodi Savitz, and coproduced
by Italian Golden Globe winner, Dahlia Heyman, and Lauren Savitz. It is sponsored by the prestigious non-profit, New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA), and therefore any donations made to NYFA on its behalf are tax-deductible.

Contact [email protected] to receive a complimentary ticket

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