dapperQ "Bridegrooms"!

GayWeddings.com CEO Kathryn Hamm I have already had several discussions about the dearth of resources for dapperQ’s who are getting married.

Kathryn told me that dapperQ gives new meaning to the word “bridegroom.”

The entire country may be in an uproar about the destruction of family values but for some of us, it’s just about finding the right outfit.  That’s hard enough for your average bride.  But as afterellen.com’s emily hartl (whose nuptials are pending) pointed out in an article this week, the heterosexist nature of most wedding magazines make it much tougher for lesbians:

I’ve had a lot of travel time in the past week, and I managed to pour through Real Simple‘s current wedding issue from front to back and though I couldn’t put it down — they just have so many brilliant ideas! I was periodically irked at the sole straight references in the text. It is 100% made for every hetero couple’s magic (they often refer to your “husband”), but I came to terms with it and drank up a lot of the suggestions not pertaining to impressing my “dude.”

Fuggedaboudit if you are a dapperQ. Who ya gonna call?

Emily is obviously hip to the challenges of dapperQ’s, however, beause she ran this great photo (she didn’t attribute so I can’t either!) and offered the followeddingwing advice:

I love, love, love when those wearing the suits pair them some really fancy sneakers when they’re dressing to impress. I think some kicks by Nike would go nicely with many a tux or suit and I’m basically going to try and convince you that they would, too. It really says “All my life, I prayed for someone like you,” don’t you think? You could color coordinate with your palette, imagine how perfectly it will all match and accent. That’s all I ask.

Kathryn told me that dapperQ gives new meaning to the word “bridegroom.” I count her as a valuable dapperQ ally since she founded gayweddings.com — with her mother no-less– ten years ago because she couldn’t find a cake-topper for her wedding.

We will be running our ideas by you and her readers at gayweddings.com as they develop. In the meantime let me know what would be helpful?  And if you would agree to be surveyed on the topic, won’t you let me know via our contact form?

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  • In my recent mission to find the right thing to wear for my wedding, the thing that has been the most helpful is pictures of dapperq bridegrooms. Lots of pictures. It is so challenging and exciting to invent an image of what to wear, and the more images of people who look like me making their own choices the better.

    Thanks for the website – it is a breath of fresh air and a cool drink of water all in one! 🙂

  • Thanks for this comment. You are so right(!) I could find nary a one. Hey, dapperQ’s let’s help Kate and others out! Pls send us your photos!

  • I’m wearing the dress but my wife-to-be is having a little difficulty picking out something to wear for our summer wedding next year. She would like a suit (but not a men’s one). She’d love something classic, form-fitting and feminine (not frilly lol). I also want her to look as sexy and beautiful as I know she is. So please keep posting pics to give us ideas. Thx a bunch…

  • My wife got a lot of help at Eisenberg & Eisenberg (in NYC 16 W 17th St, New York, NY) for her tux at our wedding. They guy who was serving use seemed to really like the challenge of making a woman look good in a tux.

    She also got a very nice white suite that she wore with a green tux shirt, and silver converses.

    She had a real problem with butch maternity clothes.

  • Lorna thanks for the post! I will be checking out Eisenberg. I know Lourdes wouldn’t like butch maternity clothes (as u put it) either lol. I like the pairing of the green and the silver sounds nice.

    I would love her to wear a little red since I plan on using red, open toed pumps…we’ll see if I can convince her (she’s not completely sold on the idea YET!)

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