100 Most Stylish dapperQs 2014

In July 2013, dapperQ published our first ever list of 100 Most Stylish dapperQs. This was by far one of our most popular posts, but was by no means exhaustive. Since the original post was not comprehensive enough to capture all of the amazing dapper that exists in our community, our team decided to compile another list of 100 most stylish dapperQs.

Important things to know about this list…

    1. Individuals on the 2013 list were not eligible for the 2014 list.  Yes, Ellen DeGeneres is stylish… year after year…after year. But, we wanted to reserve room for other people in our community. Not to worry; those on the first list still hold their title. So, please do not write us asking why we snubbed Ellen! She’s on the first list with 99 other amazing stylish folks.
    2. Individuals were selected based on a nomination system. Don’t see someone you think should be on here? Nominate them for the 2015 list by e-mailing [email protected].
    3. Our list is trans* inclusive because our mission has always been to be a fashion and empowerment website for the unconventionally masculine: butches, studs, AGs, bois, and masculine presenting women, gender nonconformists, and trans* identified individuals — anyone who has been told that masculinity is off limits to them.
    4. This is NOT A RANKED LIST!!
    5. Our readers have a range of styles and many do not fit neatly into the gender binary. Styles range from andro-chic to dandy, and more…

1. Lola Flash
Photographer and educator

Lola Flash

Photo by Becci Manson

2. Rachael Warner
Artist/scenic artist, builder

Rachel Warner

Photo by Rachael Warner

3. Lady Zen
Singer, jazz-funk poet, teacher
[Blog; YouTube]

Lady ZenPhoto by Jenn Arredondo

4. Suri

Suri2Photo by Photography by Suri

5. Robin Cloud
Comedian, actor, writer, speaker, dapperQ contributor
[Website; dapperQ features; Twitter]

Robin Cloud2Photo by Jessica Hills


6. Stripe Gandara
Academic (Chicago)
[Huffington Post slideshow feature]

Stripe2Photo by Catherine Kauper

7. Ellen Page
[Twitter; dapperQ tags]

Ellen PageImage via Popsugar

8. Miki Vargas
Photographer and founder of For the Love of Bois Project
[Website; For the Love of Bois Project]

Miki VargasPhoto by Miki Vargas

9. Allison Graham
Stylist, fashion blogger, dapperQ contributor
[Website; dapperQ features]

allisonPhoto courtesy Allison Graham

10. Veronica May
Musician, member of the folk/pop duo The Lovebirds
[Website; Twitter]

Veronica MayPhoto by Alfonso de Alba

11. Topher Gross
Hair stylist, party promoter, yenta
[Facebook; Facebook II; Twitter; Instagram: bkcubcake]

topherlook1Photo by Tina Vanden

12. Deb Wade
JagandCo model

[Facebook; Twitter; Website]

Deb Wade 2Image by aTrulee Photography 

13. Kyle Moshrefi
Co-founder of Kipper Clothiers 

[Website; Twitter; dapperQ features]

Kipper Clothiers of San Francisco.Photo by Scott R. Kline

14. Yuri Darius
Photographer, graphic/web designer, art director, dapperQ contributor

[Website; dapperQ shoot]

Yuri1-1Photo by Jacquedda Thomas

15. Gabrielle Royal
Recent NYU graduate
[Website; dapperQ shoot]

GabriellePhoto by TTK

16. Sheila Ramos, Project manager, graphic designer, dapperQ runway model

Sheila RamosPhoto courtesy Spice NYC Events

17. Erin Raber (left) & Tamara Roberts (right)
Co-founders of Singing Boi Telegrams
[Facebook; Website]

Singing Bois TelegramsPhoto by Portraits to The People

18. Meff
Writer (28 Seeds, Pitchblende), musician (Walter Sickert & the Army of Broken Toys), cad
[Website; YouTube; Band; Facebook; Twitter]

MeffPhoto & Art Direction by Eowyn Evans

19. Vivian
Founder of the style blog Dapper Dyke

vivianPhoto by Leon Mostovoy

20. Cammrynn Stith
Builder (green efficient houses for underprivileged families)
[Website; Tumblr; dapperQ features; Instagram: Radtasticly_Cam]

CamPhoto courtesy Cammrynn Stith

21. MVEssick
Writer, artist

MVPhoto by MVEssick

22. Yetta G. Kurland
Founder and Senior Partner of The Kurland Group, activist, leader in progressive politics
[Website; Twitter]

YettaPhoto by Alice O’Malley

23. Winter Mendelson
Founding Editor at Posture Magazine
[Website;Twitter; Facebook]

WinterPhoto by Manu Gupta

24. Janina Paula Luciano
Student of Veterinary Medicine
[dapperQ shoot]

JaninaPhoto by Jazzie Bernabe

25. Candice “Mars” Williamson
Video editor, colorist

mars02Photo by Jordon Barclay

26. Dee Finley
Actor, writer, builder of things

Dee FinleyPhoto by Laura Revercomb

27. Monet Bernard (DJ M.O.)
DJ, grad student
[SoundCloud; dapperQ shoot]

moPhoto by Raeven King

28. Alice Y. Hom
Director of the Queer Justice Fund, educator, writer, community builder
[Speak Out!feature]

AlicePhoto by Erin O’Brien

29. Ivan Coyote
Award winning author, storyteller, performer
[Website; Twitter]

IvanPhoto by Robin Toma Photography

30. Ashleigh “Bing” Bingham
Founder and blogger at I Dream of Dapper, writer at Qwear 
[Website; dapperQ feature]

Bing FinalPhoto by Morgan Nilhas

31. Rick Proper
Educator, writer, advocate, illustrator

Processed with VSCOcam with s1 presetPhoto by Troxell

32. Erin Berg
Co-founder of Kipper Clothiers
[WebsiteTwitterdapperQ features]

Kipper ClothiersPhoto by Scott R. Kline

33. Angie Chuang
Fashion designer
[Website; dapperQ New York Fashion Week]

AchuangPhoto by jchuangphotography 

34. Lauren Bear
Drummer for Tiny Tusks, nursing student

Lauren2Photo by Lauren Bear

35. Hokulani Rich
JagandCo model

Hokulani RichImage by aTrulee Photography 

36. Kryzia Salgado
Social justice advocate
[dapperQ feature]

KryziaPhoto courtesy Kryzia Salgado via dapperQ

37. Anna Hauptmann
Special Event Manager at The LGBT Center of NYC
[dapperQ New York Fashion Week]

Anna HPhoto by Francesca Galliani

38. Dom Brassey
Partner at Saint Harridan suit company
[Website; TwitterFacebook]

Dom2Photo by Miki Vargas

39. Kourtney Howell
Clinical research associate

Kourtney H2Photo by Amy Tufft

40. Devin-Norelle
Fashion enthusiast, blogger
[Tumblr; BlogdapperQ feature]

devinPhoto by Maria Tomanova

41. Titus Androgynous
Drag king, clown, actor, dandy, dapperQ contributor
[Twitter; dapperQ articles]

Titus-15Photo by Reece McCrone

42. DJ Sveta
International DJ, producer
[Website; Twitter; Facebook; SoundCloud; dapperQ interview]

Sveta GPhoto via DJ Sveta

43. Vanessa Newman
Poet, visionary, Content Creator for Politini Media
[Twitter; Website]

VanessaPhoto by Ornelle Chimi

44. Andrew Spiers
Radical Social Worker, writer, musician
[Website; Twitter; Facebook; YouTube]

andrew spiers2Photo by Nicholas Weissman

45. Kai
JagandCo model

Kai (1)Image by aTrulee Photography 

46. Elliot Hosman
Juris Doctor candidate, style blogger
[Style blog; Blog]

elleiot-nastia-aPhoto by Nastia Voynovskaya

47. Silki Harris
Founder and designer at Ambiance Couture Bow -Ties
[Website; Facebook; Twitter; dapperQ feature]

silkiharris3-1Photo by DAHCO

48. Laine Campbell
Dapper dandy butch trans woman, CEO at Blackbird.io
[Blog postBilerico Project Press]

LainePhoto by Walter Wlodarczyk

49. Kelsey Chavarria
Filmmaker, appeared on Showtime’s Real L-Word
[Website; Twitter; dapperQ feature]

Kelsey-Grace-Chavarria-6Photo by Laura Wise

50. New York Sharks Women’s Pro Tackle Football Team
[Website; Facebook; dapperQ feature]

NY Sharks Ia

NY Sharks IIaTop left to right: Rae Baum,  Amanda M. Cantave, Jerkeida R. Grant; Jennifer M. Melendez
Bottom left to right: Shiante “Tay” Wilson, Charonn Sutton, Erika Cottle, Caprece Gray
NY Sharks photos by Hafeez Raji

51. Julie Goldman
[IMDb; Facebook]

Julie-Goldman-Big-Gay-Sketch-showPhoto via Autostraddle

52. Ellie Conant
New York City nightlife legend
[GO Magazine feature; dapperQ shoot]

ElliePhoto by Maro Hagopian

53. Ari Fitz
MTV Real World cast member (Season 29), filmmaker, model, actor
[TOMBOISH web series; Twitter; Website; dapperQ interview]


Photo via Ari Fitz Instagram

54. Lea DeLaria
Orange Is the New Black cast member, actor, comedian, jazz musician
[Website; IMDb; Twitter]

LEA_DELARIA-CRX633Image via Out

55. Graham Bridgeman
Development Officer for Individual Giving at the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice

GrahamBridgeman_6424Photo by Frances Felske

56. Ashley Kolonder
Photographer, founder of Gay Face
[Website; Twitter; Facebook]

Ashley KolonderPhoto by Boss Models

57. Krys Freeman
Blaktivist, tech entrepreneur

KrysPhoto via Huffington Post

58. Susan Herr
dapperQ founder; non-profit executive, writer, filmmaker
[Website; YouTube; Facebook; Twitter]

Susan HerrPhoto via dapperQ

59. Devyn Galindo

DGPhoto via Indikos

60. Shaz Riley
Founder, The Butch Clothing Company
[Website; Facebook]

Shaz Outside Shot (The Butch Clothing Company)Photo by Jane Allen

61. Ganessa James
Musician, singer-songwriter
[Website; SoundCloudTwitter]

ganessajames1Photo by Desdemona Burgin Photography

62. Natalie Coblentz
Artist, dapperQ West Coast Events Coordinator
[Website; Twitter]

Natalie CPhoto by Melissa Millan

63. Andrea Gibson
[Website; Twitter]

Andrea-GibsonPhoto via Ryan in the US

64. M.A.
Software professional in the gaming industry

MAPhoto courtesy Fit for a Femme

65. Chris Konnaris
[Model Mayhem Profie]

CHRIS6Photo by William Murray


66. e. Jaguar Beckford, Esq.
Founder, CEO, and designer at JagandCo Clothier
[WebsiteTwitterFacebookdapperQ features]

jagPhoto via Show Kase Live

67. Kelly Robbie Hansen
Social worker, muse

KellyPhoto by Cody T. Williams

68. Tanya stryg Wischerath
Tattooist, painter, bohemian lifestylist
[Website; Tattoo portfolio]

dappertanya1Photo by Suzanne Shifflett Juju

69. N. Johnson
Systems engineer

Nicole JPhoto by Nicole Johnson

70. Request to be anonymous 8/13

71. Anna Gothard
Musician, member of queer folk-pop duo Anna/Kate
[YouTube; FacebookdapperQ feature]

8/15/13 Dapper QPhoto by Leslie Van Stelten via dapperQ

72. Kim Ann Foxman
[SoundCloud; Twitter]

Kim Ann Foxman IIPhoto via Nu Wave Pony

73. Narice
Law enforcement
[dapperQ feature]

NaricePhoto by Yuri Darius via dapperQ


74. Hutch
Ad sales for Posture Magazine, Brooklyn Pride board member
[dapperQ feature]

HutchPhoto by Yuri Darius via dapperQ

75. Eliza Jane Manoff
Attorney, musician

ElizaPhoto by Sarah Rugh

76. Hannah Gadsby
[Website; Twitter]

HannaPhoto via Out in Perth

77. Hannah Hart
[YouTube; Twitter; Website]

Hannah_YouTubeCalendar_RobinRoemer_1Photo by Robin Roemer Photography

78. Zanele Muholi
Photographer, visual activist
[Twitter; New Yorker feature]

Zanele-Muholi-01Photo via Kalamu

79. Missouri Vaun
Writer of lesbian romance
[Website; Twitter]

an Ev favoritePhoto by Evelyn Braddock

80. Kari Fox
Architecture student at Columbia University, CEO FoxProper, entrepreneur
[Instagram: @foxkari]

Kari FoxPhoto by TheRockstar

81. Alexa
Founder and writer at Queering Style; MA in Gender, Sexuality and Queer Theory

AlexaPhoto via Qwear

82. Merike Palmiste
Event director, model, student
[dapperQ shoot]

8/15/13 Dapper QPhoto by Leslie Van Stelten via dapperQ

83. Rio Sherry
dapperQ model, blogger at GlamYork
[Website; dapperQ shoot]

HSWS MariaPhoto by Allison Specketer

84. Emily Smith
Physician Assistant student, founder of The Dapper Butch, dapperQ contributor
[Website; dapperQ shoot]

Emily SmithPhoto via dapperQ

85. Kai Alexander
Filmmaker/AFI Directing Fellow
[Website; Tumblr]

KaiAlexanderPhoto via Hello Handsome

86. Vanessa Saccone
[Twitter; Instagram]

Vanessa SacconePhoto via The Green Flamingo

87. Sabrina Haley
Freelance photographer/producer
[Website; Portfolio; dapperQ features]

SabrinaDapperQ2Photo by Ellie Conant

88. Galina Grebenyuk
Photographer, artist, model
[Website; dapperQ shoot]

8/15/13 Dapper QPhoto by Leslie Van Stelten via dapperQ

89. Deuce Johnson
JagandCo model

[Facebook; Twitter; Website]

Deuce JohnsonImage by aTrulee Photography

90. Samantha Brooks
Pastry chef and owner at Sami Cakes Boutique
[Website; dapperQ shoot]

SamPhoto by Vito Fun

91. MR Rupp
Corporate attorney, pro-football player

MimiPhoto by Esther Hagège

92. Taniesha Matthews
Case Manager for a non-profit family and men’s shelter (NANA’s House/Pop’s Place)
[dapperQ shoot]

TMPhoto by Kelly Kollar

93. RoxyOTM
Professional hypeman/host, therapist, chitty/banger
[Twitter & Instagram: @roxyotm @chittybang_hi ]

Roxy-52 (1)Photo by Asia Valle

94. V
Law student, 350.org fan-boy
[dapperQ shoot]

vPhoto by Yuri Darius via dapperQ

95. Reva McEachern
Learning and Development Manager, Razorfish Principal, REVA Digital Media LLC
[dapperQ shoot]

8/15/13 Dapper QPhoto by Leslie Van Stelten via dapperQ


96. Melissa Millan
Founder & CEO of Androgyny
[Website; Facebook; Twitter; dapperQ New York Fashion Week]

Melissa Millan Founder AndrogynyPhoto by Suri

97. Tara Cavanaugh / DJ Argyle
Designer, DJ

TaraPhoto by Chana Morgenstern

98. TreaAndrea M. Russworm, Ph.D.
Professor; Literature and Video Games Studies

TR2Photo by Fran Hutchins

99. Allison Specketer
Photographer, graphic designer, mixed media artist
[Website; dapperQ shoot]

Allison SPhoto by Hanna Peyser

100. Dominique Pryor
[Facebook; Twitter, Instagram: DomoTheModel]

PhotoGrid_1385771040626Photo by FsF Photography





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