100 Most Stylish dapperQs 2015

In July 2013, dapperQ published our first ever list of 100 Most Stylish dapperQs. This was by far one of our most popular posts, but was by no means exhaustive. Since the original post was not comprehensive enough to capture all of the amazing dapper that exists in our community, our team decided to compile an annual list of 100 most stylish dapperQs.

Important things to know about this list…

    1. Individuals on the 2013 and 2014 lists were not eligible for the 2015 list. Yes, Ellen DeGeneres is stylish… year after year…after year. But, we wanted to reserve room for other people in our community. Not to worry; those on the first list and on the second list still hold their title. So, please do not write us asking why we snubbed Ellen! She’s on the first list with 99 other amazing stylish folks.
    2. Individuals were selected based on a nomination system. Don’t see someone you think should be on here? Nominate them for the 2016 list by e-mailing [email protected].
    3. Our list is trans inclusive because our mission has always been to be a fashion and empowerment website for the unconventionally masculine: masculine presenting women, gender queers, and trans identified individuals — anyone who has been told that masculinity is off limits to them.
    4. This is NOT A RANKED LIST!!
    5. This list is not based on sexual orientation, but rather style and expression.
    6. Nominees have a range of styles: some are fluid, and many do not fit neatly into the gender binary. Styles range from andro-chic to dandy, to tomboy, to rock n’ roll, and more…

1. Danielle “Coop” Cooper
Fashion blogger
[Website; dapperQ feature]

Shes A GentPhoto via She’s A Gent

2. Melissa S.
Graphic designer
[Website; dapperQ feature]

MelissaPhoto by Melania Mahoney

3. Ali Medina
Artist; Teacher; Printmaker
[Website; dapperQ feature]

Ali MedinaPhoto by Emma Strugatz

4. Alana
[dapperQ feature]

AlanaPhoto by Molly Adams

5. Tiffany Thompson
Director of the Youth Health Empowerment Project
[Website; dapperQ feature]

Tiffany ThompsonPhoto by Sammy Munsch


6. Devynn Emory
Professional dancer/choreographer; Massage therapist
[Website; dapperQ feature]

Devynn-Emory-1Photo by Maria Del Naja

7. Karen Du
Freelance cinematographer/camera assistant; Co-producer of Pancake Mountain; Writer
[Website; Pancake Mountain; dapperQ feature]

KarenPhoto by Jordan Barclay

8. River Luck
Artist; Teacher; Musician; Grad student
[Instagram; Website]

River LuckPhoto by Emily Waggoner

9. Alexis Anderson
Quality control specialist
[dapperQ feature]

Alexis AndersonPhoto by Cassandra Zetta

10. Lianna Carrera
Comedian; Writer; Actor
[Website; Twitter; Facebook]

PromoShot1-1Photo by DuckDuck Collective

11. Tania Hammidi
Professor; Founder of QUEERTURE

Tania HammidiPhoto by Debra St. John

12. Rachel Esquilin


Photo by Sophia Wallace

13. Seven B (left) & Beck G (right)
Butch Dandy DJ duo

butch dandy IIPhoto via Butch Dandy Facebook

14. Ariam Sara Geffrard
Fashion blogger

[Website; dapperQ feature]

Ariam Sara GeffrardPhotos by DAG Images

15. Marcia Alvarado
Model; Engineer
[Website; dapperQ shoot]

marcia alvaradoPhoto by Leandro Gongora

16. Margo Burns
Historian; Geek; Linguist; Artist; Teacher

Margo BurnsPhoto by Michele Kämmerer

17. Ashley Phillips
Musician; Composer; Songwriter
[Website; Instagram]

Ashley PPhoto by Giovana Grueiro

18. Rain Dove
[Instagram; Facebook; Twitter; dapperQ feature; dapperQ runway]

Rain DoveImage via Candamill

19. Robi D Light
[Soundcloud; Twitter; Facebook; Instagram; dapperQ feature]

Photo by Kristen Zwicker

20. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza
Activist Theologian; Director of Communications, More Light Presbyterians
[Website; Twitter; Instagram; Facebook]

RobynPhoto by Jessica Christie

21. Thúy H. Nguyen
Personal Stylist; Custom Clothier
[Website; Facebook]

thuyPhoto by Kari Orvik

22. Toya Robert
[Facebook; Instagram; dapperQ Runway]

ToyaPhoto by Pete F. Hopkins. Styled by Thúy Custom Clothiers.

23. Ace Cameron Varney
Model; Outreach Coordinator

Ace Photo by Ammo Photography. Styled by Sharpe Suiting.

24.Gina “Nami” Grogan
Barber; Clothing designer; Image consultant
[Website; Twitter; InstagramdapperQ feature]

gina namiPhoto by TJ Holloway

25. Dr. Van Bailey
Director of BGLTQ Student Life at Harvard; Stylist; Member, bklyn boihood Collective
[Harvard Bio; bklyn boihood website]

VanPhoto by King Texas

26. Elliot Sailors
[Instagram; Twitter; Facebook; dapperQ Runway]

elliotsailors2JPG_1551Photo via Getty Images

27. Teri Tan
Student; President of NYU’s Pride Corp
[Website; InstagramdapperQ shoot]

teriPhoto by Carol Ourivio

28. J.T. Carey
Designer; Stylist
[Facebook; Instagram]

JTPhoto via @Nova_Brown Instagram

29. Bo Mekavibul
[dapperQ feature; Instagram]

boPhoto by Sinru Ku

30. Christina Rivera
Massage Therapist; Model

ChristinaPhoto by Nye Lyn Tho. Styled by Haute Butch.

31. Jatearra Ritchie
[Instagram; dapperQ Shoot]

J RichiePhoto by Jordan Barclay

32. Nichole Benson
Photographer; Owner of The Beanie Bar
[Website; dapperQ feature]

NicholePhoto by Addie Danielle

33. Ruby Rose
Model; Actor
[Website; Instagram; Twitter]

Ruby-Rose-around-MBFWAPhoto via Popsugar

34. Tristan Higgins, aka Butch Jaxon
Blogger, Butch on Tap

tristanPhoto via Facebook

35. Destiny Washington
Fashion industry

DestinyPhoto via Facebook

36. Magda Janczak
Recent grad

magdaPhoto via Instagram

37. Wen Liu
Co-Founder, Hey Queer Project
[Website; Instagram]

WenPhoto by Sinru Ku

38. Ali Talan
Doctoral Candidate, Tulane University
[Tulane Bio; Twitter; Tumblr]

larger size imagePhoto courtesy Nicolette Mason

39. Madin Ray Lopez
[Website; Instagram; Facebook; dapperQ feature]

MadinPhoto by Sabine Maxine Photography

40. Shaley Howard
Owner, Scratch & Sniff Pet Care

Shayley 2Photo by Miki Vargas of the Handsome Revolution Project.

41. Nina Kossoff
Advertising industry
[dapperQ feature]

Nina IIPhoto by Liz Jamora

42. Madison Paige
Model; Musician; Writer

madisonPhoto courtesy Madison Paige

43. Annabelle Blackburn
Masters Student at the London School of Economics

Annabelle editsPhoto by Lauren Kaufmann

44. Trinity Garrett
Owner and artist of NextLvl Tattoo & Piercings
[Instagram; Website]

TrinityPhoto by Ice Box Photography

45. Dr. Francisco Galarte, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of gender and women’s studies, University of Arizona; Editorial Board, TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly
[Bio; Twitter; Website; dapperQ feature]

GalartePhoto by Adela C. Licona

46. Melanie DeMore
Vocal artist; Saint Harridan model
[Website; iTunes]

MelaniePhoto by Stephen Texeira

47. MC Newman
[Facebook; dapperQ feature]

MCPhoto by Karla Olvera

48. Zahyr Lauren
Director of Survival and Self-Determination Project, Sylvia Rivera Law Project; Member, bklyn boihood collective
[bklyn boihood website]

ZahPhoto by jlbrown

49. Eli Chi
Artist; Queer and trans organizer
[Tumblr; Instagram @Cheezy15; YouTube]

EliPhoto by Virginia Harold

50. Maya Jane Coles
DJ; Music Producer
[Website; Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Soundcloud]

MayaPhoto via SERIALGK

51. Ann McField
Artist; Art instructor
[Website; Instagram @_aj_3; Artwork @_ajkreations]

AnnPhoto by Shannelle

52. Nik Kacy
Fashion designer; Owner of Nik Kacy footwear
[Website; Facebook; Instagram;Twitter]

Nik KacyPhoto by Alex Schmider

53. Lady Cultura
Hip-hop artist; Dance choreographer
[Twitter; Instagram; Soundcloud; dapperQ interview]

Lady CulturaPhoto via dapperQ

54. Shayna Blase
Account Executive
[Instagram; dapperQ feature]

Photo by Brittanny Taylor

55. Jacqui Barnes
Nonprofit Program Administration
[Instagram @Flapjacqui; dapperQ feature]

JacquiPhoto by Sammy Munsch

56. Illana
[dapperQ feature]

IllanaPhoto by Natalie Coblentz

57. Ema Lu
dapperQ model
[dapperQ feature]

Ema LuPhoto via Mira Steinzor

58. Daphne Selfe for Vogue Italia
[Vogue Italia feature]

DaphneyPhoto via Vogue Italia

59. Utah E. Powell
Therapist, MSW

UtahPhoto courtesy Utah E. Powell

60. Isabell Decker
Fashion designer; Style blogger
[Website; Twitter; Instagram; Facebook]

0afae6cd4bf4191ae554c65f63c305daPhoto via Dressing Outside the Box

61. Lilly Alban
dapperQ model
[dapperQ feature; dapperQ runway]

LillyPhoto by Sabrina Haley

62. Emily Hall Smith
Event producer; Promoter (Hot Rabbit)
[Facebook;Website; Instagram; Twitter]

emilyPhoto by Maro Hagopian

[SoundCloud; Twitter; dapperQ feature]

DqChad2editsPhoto by Genna Sandler

64. Leon Wu
Founder and Owner, Sharpe Suiting
[Website; Twitter; Facebook; Instagram]

LeonPhoto by Amanda Kruger

65. Lydia Okello
Founding member, HER Collective; Blogger at Style is Style; Style Editor, Autostraddle
[Website; Twitter; Instagram]

Lydia IIPhoto via Style is Style

66. Jane Lynch
Actor; Singer; Comedian
[Website; Twitter]

Jane LynchPhoto by M. Sharkey

67. Julia Fahl
Democratic Political Fundraiser
[dapperQ feature]

JuliaPhoto by Sammy Munsch

68. Esther Quek
Fashion and Beauty Director of multiple international publications
[Website; Twitter; Instagram]

EstherPhoto via Ian Rios

69. Maria Carter
[Twitter; dapperQ feature]

MariaPhoto by Genna Sandler

70. Wendy Mikels
Retired nurse

WindyPhoto by Marsha Wood

71. Rebekah
[dapperQ feature]

RebekahPhoto courtesy Rebekah via dapperQ

72. Jessabelle Labampa
Interactive Producer

jlabampaPhoto by Lovie courtesy Jessabelle

73. Mack Dihle
Model; Law enforcement
[Website; Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; dapperQ feature]

MackPhoto by Molly Adams

74. Tia Clinton
PhD Student
[Facebook; Instagram]

Tia Photo by Ariel Britt

75. Jess Voss
Owner, Jamber Wine Pub
[Website; Facebook; Instagram; Twitter; dapperQ feature]

Jess-Voss-1Photo by Maria Del Naja

76. Lani Buess
Writer; Model; Photographer
[Website; Blog; Twitter; InstagramFacebook]

LaniBPhoto by Jessica Chuang Photography

77. JoJo Brandt
FedEx driver

jojoPhoto by KME Photography

78. Michelle Dennis
Feminist, activist, law student and writer; Co-conveanor of the
F Collective
[Website; Instagram]

Michelle1Photo by Jacqueline Mann

79. Vjay Miner
[Blog; InstagramTwitter]

vickyPhoto by MadMan Photography

80. Azora Telford
Artist; ASL interpreter
[Planet DeafQueer Interview]

azora21Photo via Planet DeafQueer

81. Natashia Underwood
Co-Owner, I Love Arter clothing
[Website; Facebook; Instagram; Twitter]

NatashiaPhoto by fotoPHRESH by DG

82. Jodi Clark
Educator; Community engagement professional
[dapperQ feature]

   Jodi2Photo by Liz LaVorgna

83. Takeia Johnson
[Instagram; dapperQ feature]

TakeiaPhoto by Leigh Gaston

84. Audrey Lookwood
Financial Planner; Poet

AudreyDapperQ6-4-15-Closeup Photo via Sondra Paskach

85. Jennifer Hoffman
Personal trainer, M.Ed (Phys. Ed.) ISSA CFT
[Instagram; dapperQ feature]

Loco FitnessPhoto via Instagram

86. The Drakes (UK Style Collective)
[Twitter; Instagram; dapperQ feature]

DrakesPhoto via Instagram

87. Kelly Callahan
Artist; Educator
[Website; Twitter; Instagram @kellymcallahan]

KellyC_03_webPhoto by Ashley Woo Photography of Studio Be NYC

88. Mellina White-Cusack
Marketing and brand manager by day / Cocktail and wine creator by night; dapperQ contributor
[Instagram; dapperQ articles; dapperQ feature]

mellinaPhoto by Hannah Ludlow

89. Chloe Beasley
Digital Media Analyst at Adobe

Photo by Scott R. Kline. Styled by Kipper Clothiers.

90. Sofia
[Website; Facebook; dapperQ feature]

Sofia-Queer-Style-IIIPhoto by Lydia Jones

91. Ali M. Davis
Program Facilitator at University of Cincinnati Program Facilitator
[dapperQ feature]

ali editsPhoto by Cassandra Zetta

92. Nicole Matte
Associate Editor/Nightlife Editor, GO! Magazine
[Website; dapperQ feature]

Nicole-2Photo by Eli Vickery

93. Bridge
Student at University of Cincinnati, Social Work and Spanish
[dapperQ feature]

BridgePhoto by Cassandra Zetta

94. Sawyer DeVuyst
Actor; Model; Wardrobe Assistant
[Instagram; Website]

sawyerSelf portrait (Sawyer DeVuyst)

95. Kabira Dame
Stylist, AVEDA Lifestyle Salon
[Twitter; Instagram @KABIRADAME; dapperQ interview]

kabiraPhoto by Jeremiah Cumberbatch


96. Nicky Cutler
Shopkeeper, Goorin Brothers
[Website; Instagram; dapperQ feature]

NickyPhoto by Taylor Williams

97. Sunni Vela
Licensed Professional Counselor (Mental Health)

SunniPhoto by Mike Allebach

98. Nikkie Giovanni
Poet; Commentator; Activist; Educator

NikkiGiovanni2Photo by Fran Hutchins

99. Shiela Rashid
Fashion designer
[Instagram; WebsitedapperQ feature]

shiela 2Photo by WESTWORKD

100. Jack Jackson
Founder and Owner, Alljackedup ties; Photographer
[Website; Twitter, Instagram; Facebook; Ties to Love Campaign]

Jack 2Photo by N Maxwell Lander



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